So it will come as no surprise to hear that I am reading the Twilight Series, Thank You DEB for the books-this obsession I have is all your fault...the one thing I am grateful for is I didn't get hooked when Twilight was the ONLY book in the series.
I started Twilight and was hooked,mesmerized,I wanted Edward to *change* me-I became Bella. As I read, the words became something more, like pictures on the page and I was pulled into their world. No longer was I reading black and white-I was part of the story, the BIG love story...
Now I am gonna stop here and make a quick *disclaimer*
Unless you have read the books-you won't understand-you will think I have lost my mind and maybe I have but that's NOT the point-the point is you should run out and make Stephenie Meyer even richer, buy the books and then become a crazed sounding blogger like myself, who if Edward himself showed up at my door
I finished Twilight and was left breathless-I was so content but I wanted more,needed more...
New Moon was going to provide that for me or so I thought-
I am halfway through New Moon and I don't want to give anything away so I will leave you with this:
I miss *him* I need to see *him* hear *him* feel *him* I am Bella, I feel what she does and it's just not the same, will it ever be? I am a little mad at *him* notice I said a little-because all it would take is a glimpse of *him* and all the pain and heartache would
Deb promises me that it is all worth it and right now I am feeling jipped,ripped off but still, I can't put the book down-I know *he* is there *he* is always there...oh the angst...
Tell me I am NOT alone....
I know there is a movie coming out-I honestly don't know if I will see it-a movie could NEVER do this book justice
My confession for today: When I die I want these books buried with me

*sobbing* Come back Edward! I love you! *cries*
ReplyDeleteI understand you Georgie, I really do. I was crying reading New Moon. I'm NOT a crier. And trust me, it will be well worth all the pain you are in. When you see him again you will fall back in love. And the next 2 books are even better. You haven't even hit the surface yet.
And you WILL go see the movie. My lover is in it. Go watch a trailer of it and tell me he is not Edward through and through. I didn't like him at the beginning to play Edward but I watched the trailer and was swept away. Oh how I love Edward but Oh how I FUCKING LOVE Robert Pattinson.
Welcome to the club Georgie. You make me and Deb so damn proud!*sniff*
I sound about as much of a fruitcake as you do now. Dammit!
NOT YOU, TOO!!!!!!!! tsk tsk tsk
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love these books. You can't be Bella, becasue I am :-) I read all 4 of these books in 7 days. I only stopped long enough to feed my child and change her diapers...kidding, but it was pretty sad how much time I spent reading these. Well worth it, though. I am going to be at the movies on November 21st when it comes out. The guy that plays Edward is a hottie!
ReplyDeleteIt gets BETTER!!! Hang in there, it will all be okay. I love this series but I totally understand. Reading New Moon is kind of like going through depression, but you will be okay.
ReplyDeleteI totally cracked up at the being buried with the books comment at the end. So funny! You are not alone--I'm as addicted as you. I finished book 2 and am waiting for book 3 from my library hold. In the meantime, I'm trying to read another book and it is like torture. I just keep missing Edward! How is it possible to be in love with a fictional character and a vampire at that??? I feel like I'm in some strange cult whenever I tell people to read them.
ReplyDeleteHELLO...where have you been??? It's a phenomenon!!! If I would have known that you hadn't read those books yet I would have sent you my copies to read myself!
ReplyDeleteIf you are an Edward fan then YES it gets better...if you keep an open mind though...JACOB can become very cool too!
I read ALL of Sweet Valley High and you could be BBF's for sure...I LOVE reading...LOVE IT...I could devour those same authors in the same amount of time...okay maybe quicker kid! Just thought I'd see if you were still reading this long comment! :)
I hear a lot of chatter about these books.
ReplyDeleteGuess I'll have to buy them.
I haven't read these--YET! My best friend started reading them and said I have to read them. So I guess I HAVE to!
ReplyDeleteOoh, kinda like my Grandmother that was a member of the Order of the Rosy Cross and had her books buried with her? Is it like that?
ReplyDeleteOh Georgie, I am starting to look like a dang vampire with the pale skin and dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep and sunshine because I have been reading these books non stop. I am almost done with New Moon and then onto Eclipse!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I decided to read these though!
You people are completely out of your minds. I have to tell you that I was at the bookstore about a month ago, whenever the last one came out, and picked it up and ultimately put it down. Why you ask?
ReplyDeleteBecause it's a book about vampires and they suck your blood and that's just plain gross. GRoss, GROss, GROSS
I just recently bought Twilight and New Moon. I had intended on saving them for my daughter. She loves to read, loves vampires, is finished with Harry Potter and at 8 wants a challenge. Not sure if I am ready to let her read them. Guess I should give them a whirl first.
ReplyDeleteI have always tried to resist the best selling series kinds of books. I consider my self a "lit" person, but everyone tells me I'm missing out by not reading the Twilight books! I might have to give in and try to peruse one!
ReplyDeleteI am so not a reader these days unless it's The Wimpy Kid but I'm getting closer to reading Twilight thanks to all of the Edward obsession going on.
ReplyDeleteI have not read the books...but guess what....I am going to get it this weekend...thanks to you...sounds like I could use some EDWARD.
ReplyDeleteI love Edward. I'm about to begin the second book. I am way too excited for it.
ReplyDeleteWow...sure looks nice in here! I wish I had the time to read....
ReplyDeleteIt's ridiculous how much twilight has gotten IN MY HEAD! I lust after Edward, I have sex dreams about him
ReplyDeleteThis is my new blog
this is insane mama speaking to you!
OK - I keep hearing about this series....I have to get the books now...dang it!
ReplyDeleteI've not read Twilight yet, but it is on my list for sure. Now...just to get a nanny so I can read blogs and books. ;)
ReplyDeletesigh....I picked up the series three days before Breaking Dawn came out! I ready Twilight Wednesday, New Moon Thursday, Eclipse Friday, and then Saturday I was in line with the 'tweens of America to pickup Breaking Dawn.
ReplyDeleteIT was worth it. Can not wait until the movie!!!
Yeah, your normal. Take a bit of advice from me, when you get done with all four will want more! Go buy "The Host" I didn't think it was as good as the Twilight,,,but it will slowly bring you back to reality without slamming you into the floor. It is good, but no Edward in it...
ReplyDeleteLOL Im right there with you. When reading the book , it's like you become part of it. I'm in the middle of book 4. Keep reading its soooooooooooo worth it!
ReplyDeleteI have heard only great things about this series!! Its on my Christmas list for my hubby to get me. And oh, I still have all my Sweet Vally High books packed away. LOVED them!!
ReplyDeleteOK that does it I am going to BUY these books!!
ReplyDeleteI love you ;)
ReplyDeleteYou WILL see the movie (Nov 21st btw) because you will not be able to stop yourself. You will be done reading by then and need a fix. It's that bad.
I bought the movie companion guide to Twilight this weekend. Lots of back story stuff. But...I had to start re-reading the books. I couldn't help it. Now, I am reading them slower and savoring each word. Every glimpse and every smile. *sigh