Well that lil booger wreaked havoc on our lawn-one day middle bean who apparently had been abducted by aliens and returned to me was sweeping the porch WITHOUT being asked, when he saw the ground moving...
He walks over with his broom and whacks the moving ground, then sweeps the area, sticks his hand in the hole and pulls out a dead mole-yes after doing all the advice I found from google with NO luck- in the end it took a 13 yr old with a broom to rectify the situation-go figure...gives a whole new meaning to 'Whack a mole'
Now that the mole is gone I have a new vermit taking up residence here and he is a squatter-We have a Squirrel in our attic and from 10-2 he has a party up there. He is driving me NUTZ yes I know thats a pun huh?
So middle bean is determined to be the next great squirrel killer and everyday he comes home from school he dresses in full on camo, paints his face with camo paint and gets lilest beans BB gun- he enters the den and says "If I don't make it back alive you can have my xbox 360 mom" then he climbs into the attic and waits....so far he has fought the squirrel and the squirrel is winning....
I also have issues with face book-I am getting poked and when I got poked I got scared that it was something bad-so I didn't poke back.
Someone sent me some drinks and when I clicked on the accept button, blinked twice, did 3 spins NO bud light with lime appeared on my desk-the person who sent me the drinks obviously got ripped off...I'm just sayin...
Hugs-I have gotten a couple hugs-I want to hug back I know how to hug I just don't know how to hug on FB
Best Friend apps,wall to wall,Nexus apps-it is all so overwhelming...bare with me PLEASE...
We had such a busy weekend, that I have not got my blogroll updated-I will I promise
I heard from the dentist and he assures me he got the right tooth-that by pulling her 12 yr molars he will give her something like 3millimeters of space...I dunno I am still confused I thought he was pulling the tooth directly behind the tooth that is coming in crooked, not the one behind that-He is the pro so I am sure he knows what he is doing....she is doing fine today-no more bleeding, she has a big fat softball sized lip and is rocking it with some Cherry chapstick and sparkles-she said "Mom, I don't want the other kids to notice it so I put sparkles all over my lip". Lets just say you can see her glistening in the morning sun a mile away.
Lastly this is not an issue but an Honor...the ballot for the 2008 Okie Blog Awards is in and this blog made it on the ballot! Thank You to all who nom'd me....now I need your VOTE- So if you live in Oklahoma and have a blog-Please consider Decisionally Challenged when casting your votes. CLICK HERE for a complete list of all the catergories and blogs nominated.
My confession for today: I forgot to give lilest bean her morning antibiotic

I'm glad she is doing better. We have moles here too but what makes it worse is that my dogs dig for them. So I have moles and dogs destroying my yard. Lovely.
ReplyDeleteI had to giggle at the thought of your child dressing in camo and heading to the attic! What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many people pay for lips like your daughter is sporting today? Look out Anjelina Jolie...there are new lips in town.
ReplyDeleteSend your bean over to kill the moles in MY yard. I think they ganged up with the skunks to torture me. And I'm confused on facebook too. Now I'm going to poke you. Muhahahah
ReplyDeleteI don't get facebook either...so I'm right there with you!!!!! I really don't like facebook! I like myspace WAY better!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blog getting on the ballot!!!!
The mole story cracks me up!!!!!!!! I also love the camo story!!!!! Middle Bean is such a HOOT!!!!!
Wow, it's BUSY inside your head, lol!
ReplyDeleteWhack a mole - too stinkin' funny but I'm glad he's gone! Squirrels are a pain, but not nearly as bad as chipmunks - ohmygosh!
Good luck!
Woo hoo!! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteI forget to give the kids meds too. It's ok.
Congrats on the nomination!!! Too bad I don't live in OK.
ReplyDeleteAnd Facebook, yeah, I think I'm closing my account. It's just for people who aren't creative enough to blog ;-)
Good luck to your middle bean.. Hope he has enough ammunition
ReplyDeleteGreat to know I am not the only one that screws up! I just feel so terrible right now.
ReplyDeleteGlad it was the right tooth! Your kids sound like their mom, a real hoot!!! Hey, can you place a trap up there??
ReplyDeletePoking in facebook.... yeah. I hear you! Too bad on the drink!
Well good luck with all your issues and with the award. I hope you kill a aquirrel, learn facebook, update your blog roll, win the blog awards and don't forget your daughter and her antibiotics when she gets home. Remember, we like her.
ReplyDeleteThat should be squirrel by the way. I don't know what aquirrel is. Maybe a distant relative of the squirrel. Who knows?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the nomination. Loved this whole post!
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny! You always make me smile. Whack a mole... The things you come up with. You helped me out with Blogging maybe I could be some help with facebook. I love facebook and I am addicted to it. I disagree with "J" I think Facebook is tons better than myspace.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your nomination! You totally have my vote!
ReplyDeleteI rock at whack-a-mole! Let me know if Bean ever needs backup!
ReplyDeleteHello there, just doing the same as you and popping into the nominnes. Very cute anf unny blog, I'll be back.
ReplyDeleteROFL!! Whack a Mole! Too funny!
ReplyDeleteI'm just picturing him now sitting up in the attic decked out in camo with a BB gun! Hilarious!
Thank you for adding me to your sticker! I love you! I love your blog! And, I'm so giddy beyond words for being nominated for such a great award!!!
Your too funny ;)
ReplyDeleteglad it was the right tooth! and also glad she's feeling better. tell her old ladies pay BIG bucks to get their lips to pucker like hers!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your nomination! I wish I could vote.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could vote, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteGood luck evicting your squatter.
Hope Lilest Bean has the hugest broom in the world cause your Squatter Squirrel seems to like his new digs.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the nomination!! Start writing your acceptance speech, k?
UGH! We had moles this fall/winter, too. AND in our last house we had a squirrel get into a newly refinished basement!!!
ReplyDeleteI hate those damn things!!!
I can't believe he killed the mole w/ a broom?!?
ReplyDeleteWe had a mole or two out here - they are nasty little things!!
I do not understand facebook... at all! I love myspace though!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Thank you so much for stopping by, Jen
ReplyDeleteOK wait, I'm still trying to get past "vermit" with a straight face....
ReplyDeleteI had to read the mole story twice just to believe it. Wow! He really killed it - didn't just stun it?
ReplyDeleteIf I were you I'd sleep with one eye open. ;)
And I really (heart) facebook. Have my own fan club now (thanks to a friend and his practical joke). Keep trying. It's fun!
Congrats on the nomination!!
I hope middle bean gets that squirrel! Nasty little freakers!!!
ReplyDeleteGeorgie, this may very well be your best post EVER. Your comments about FB totally cracked me up and are pretty much exactly what I would say. Why does "social networking" have to be so complicated? And why, oh why, do people load so many photos onto that application? Haven't they heard of the blog world?
ReplyDeleteThe internet is one crazy, crazy place.
Congrats again on the nomination! I'm having so much fun visiting some of the nominees.
ReplyDeleteWe have a squirrel, I think, that is making noise on the roof at night, so if you son is successful at your place, you can send him here. :)
Did you read or see Lonesome Dove? Being poked might means something...well, special :-)
ReplyDeleteLMAOOOOOOOOOO, you made me spit coke through my nose with the " you can have my xbox360" thing. You should warn a reader about that stuff lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, with all that spare time, you never visit MY blog. Yeah. I've been stalking you. Tiffany? You visit. ME? nope. I'm gonna facebook you all over the place.
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad about the tooth deal!!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a mole!
And congrats on your nomination ... since I'm a Texan, I'm thinking my vote wouldn't count ~ but I think your blog rocks. ;-)
Congratulations on your nomination and best wishes.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your kind words.
When Steve was in Afghanistan the kids and I moved to another town. Steve had been transfered a couple of months before he found out he was deployed. Anyway...... I start hearing weird noises in the new house. Steve said they were normal.. Not to worry. It sounded like bookshelves tipping over in the attic. We have little attic space since the ceilings are so high so I couldn't figure out what it could be. Fast forward a year ........... Steve is home and hears it too, and low and behold, says it isn't normal. He was taking a nap once and could hear something. He walked out on the deck and peeked around the house. A squirrel got scared and started running up our house, hitting his head on the roof, and doing it again and again and again. Steve got the squirrel to run across the house instead of up and the dog chased it out of the yard. No more bookshelves falling. When we looked upstairs we found that he hadn't done any damage. That was one of the days I knew I was smarter than Steve. I did remind him he told me it was NORMAL. Some noises aren't.
ReplyDeleteWhack-A-Mole!! HAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteLets see, broom kills mole, so, maybe up the anty and break out the dust buster for the squirrel? :P
Congrats on your nomination, chica!
ReplyDeleteAh, a squirrel in the attic. Been there, done that! I had the living crap scared out of me by one--it jumped out of a moving box that I had just been sticking my hands in. Hubs still laughs at me.
ReplyDeleteThose little buggers can make you think there is a grown man walking around over your head. I used to swear they had bowling balls that they were rolling around. And it was always in the middle of the blooming night! We started having our pest control guy throw the bait packs out in the attic, and that seemed to solve the problem.
Congrats on making it on the Okie Blog Ballot! If I lived in Oklahoma, I would SO vote for you : )
ReplyDeleteToo funny about the exterminator you are lucky enough to have living with you.
ReplyDeleteI HATE getting poked on Facebook. Drives me nuts.
Facebook is too much for me to handle! Sad but true...it annoys the crap out of me!
ReplyDeleteCould you send your son to my parents house in BA to get rid of their moleS?? We will give him an endless supply of brooms!! That is so funny....whack a mole!