My bestie started a private blog, some punk ass boy sent oldest bean a nekkid full frontal and we still have power...
Not Sawyer aka mr gp slipped and fell yesterday busting open a gallon of milk all over him(i did not laugh), lilest bean is already bored and I just noticed blogger in draft does auto-save now...
Ginger is in heat, there is a weeks worth of laundry waiting to be folded and my nose isn't running like a faucet anymore...
Oldest bean has a dental appt today that I need to cancel, school will prolly be cancelled tomorrow and the squirrel has invited some of his friends over-they are prolly rubbing sticks together up there tryin to make a far...
My blogoversary is Thursday, I am having a give-away, the gift will be a secret grab bag, it will be valued around $75, many will enter one will win...
Toby the snake needs a bigger cage, middle beans room looks like a tornado hit it, Not sawyer said he is taking us out to eat since my taste buds are coming back BUT really he is just sick of soup...
My confession for today: my go go juice just isnt the same without my hershys chocolate syrup

OH NO! Doesn't Not Sawyer KNOW a girl with cramps of a girlie nature MUST have her chocolate syrup???
ReplyDeleteIce is horrible! Way worst than snow. Can't wait for Thursday!
ReplyDeleteI'm counting down until Thursday! Woo Hoo!
ReplyDeleteI think the ice is coming our way.
ReplyDeleteAnd really - a frontal nudie shot? How old are these kiddos? What are you going to do?
I still have figured out blogger in draft (unless I am already using it and don't know it, but strikethrough is not an option, so I think I am not using it).
Oops, that's I still haveN'T, not have...
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that you are out syrup.
ReplyDeleteThat was an awesome fun post. Be careful in that ice and hope you go out to dinner. :)
ReplyDeleteOverall, this does not sound like an exceptionally good day. I hope things improve. And I hope you get some chocolate syrup quickly. You need it.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait till Thursday!
ReplyDeleteHope your day gets better and stay warm and safe in all this gross ice!
I don't know anyone who drinks go go juice with hershey's syrup. except you.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with your bestie and a PRIVATE blog? That's messed up!
And how old is this boy - old enough that I can see the picture? Just askin.
How did you not laugh at Not Sawyer??????!!!!!
And f*^$ the laundry it aint going anywhere. Let em live out of the basket for a while.
And you should not go out to eat if the weather is that bad. Wait till it gets better, like maybe May. Then I wont have to be up all night worrying about whether or not you made it back in one piece.
Love ya!!
I can't believe someone sent oldest bean a full frontal! I think my hubby would have gone over there and cut off the guys wanker if that ever happened to my daughter.
ReplyDeletePoor Mr. GP falling and busting open milk all over himself. I would have really had to show restraint from laughing.
Can't wait to enter the giveaway!! Tell me what it is I won't say a thing :)
I have been out of Hershey's syrup for sooo long and keep forgetting to buy it!!!
ReplyDeleteHow did you not laugh at mr gp???
I will be one that enters and not wins-but can't wait!!!
oh yeah- we have the ice thing, too!
ReplyDeleteSorry for the cramps and thanks for the ice storm.
To use strikethrough in Blogger, you have to edit the html and use the "strike" command.
Seriously? You didn't laugh at the milk incident? You're a better woman than I - that would've sent me over the edge.
ReplyDeleteKeep warm (easy for me to say...)!
Sounds like you are having one whale of a week already and its only Tuesday! Here's to hopin' things get better for ya!
ReplyDeleteGirl, your life is a major whirlwind!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid to comment in fear some nudity or lack of chocolate will rub off on me!
ReplyDeleteLMAO At "many will enter one will win".
ReplyDeleteAnd holy shit about nudy pic to oldest bean.
I hope you don't freeze up there. It's hot here to day. And NO I don't live in hell. Just in the deep south.
Next time you are at the store, you might want to buy back-up chocolate syrup. This kind of depravity should never take place. Never.
ReplyDeleteLawsy, we're synching up on the girlie schedule. Wish you lived close, I'd sahre the chocolate syrup, but of course I still have faucet nose, so I'd be sharing that too....
ReplyDeleteHappy Almost Blogoversary!
Chocolate is not optional. Full frontal is not allowed. And Ginger needs to go hump a pillow. (hope you laughed)
ReplyDeleteOk, what IS the juice?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your Blogaversary!
I hope you are feeling better!
ROFL!! You CRACK ME UP!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to Thursday.
ReplyDeleteHope you can get out to get some syrup.
Oh crap. No syrup.
ReplyDeleteMust...have...choco....late...syr-up. :-) You are too funny. Cheers. And thanks for coming by Bounded Rationality. And Happy Anniversary.
i'm crossing my fingers.
ReplyDeletestay warm and electrified.
How do you have so many things going on, on a day like today? The kids and I are doing absolutely nothing! :-)
ReplyDeleteFull on nekkid?
ReplyDeleteHersheys syrup?
Private blog?
It makes one wonder why.
I am so not laughing about the ice fall and milk drop.
I swear.
Ummm, I hope tomorrow's a better day? Holy crap! And I thought my day sucked.
ReplyDeleteWow! Full Frontal! I would have freaked! You tomorrow is better. We are trapped in our house too. I have the kids cleaning!! Love that! Great post.
ReplyDeleteHow come when I leave your blog I feel like my head is spinning in circles due to the random bits of material I need to process?
ReplyDeleteI think you need and deserve a shot of that chocolate syrup!!! Go get some right now! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHope your day/ week gets better.. Send some cold air down here to FLORIDA please!
Okay, my wife won't tell me what go go juice is. Should I know?
ReplyDeleteI know I've asked you this before but, what is go-go juice and does the fact that I need to ask tell you how much i probably need some? (Depending on whether or not its coffee or some other gross concoction)
ReplyDeleteI think callin' the boy's parents might take care of it. You get the police involved and his life is over before it ever gets started. I don't think his life should be ruined over his just being a dumbass boy!
ReplyDeleteI would think Chocolate would be first priority. The man can always bring home pizza!
Mmm, chocolate syrup... Sorry, my mind got stuck there. ;) Stay warm.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, frontal nudity, SERIOUSLY??!! I hope you know his momma! I don't think my hubby is going to handle the teen years well. Sorry for your cramps w/no chocolate syrup day : (
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the ice vacay!!!
Hope you get some chocolate soon before someone gets hurt....!
ReplyDeleteDon't know why but I think my comment just disappeared?!?!
ReplyDeleteWanted to tell ya that cramps without chocolate are a crime against nature :)
I'm thinking Not Sawyer needs to introduce "full frontal boy" to "ice storm."
ReplyDeletePretty up the picture with a few icicles.
Does the grocery store deliver??? Sounds like you need that chocolate syrup in the worst you have any cocoa you could use in its place???? Doesn't the neighbor have any to borrow?????? Gosh, girl, I hope you aren't w/o for too long. I"d be melting an old Halloween choc. bar or something! ;)
I think you are so lying about not laughing at not sawyer busting his ass and the milk. LMAO at the entire post.
ReplyDeleteHey there!!! It's even cold here! Ice is supposed to come here!! They even started canceling some schools here ... mostly because Texans don't know how to drive when it gets cold!!!
ReplyDeleteyou crack me up! I love these kinds of post!!
ReplyDeleteFull frontal?? That's drama!
Yay for contests! LOL about the milk.
ReplyDeleteDo you just turn the Hershey's bottle upside down and squeeze it into your mouth like I do?
ReplyDeletewill it make you sad if I tell you that I had chocolate syrup in milk just last night for the very reason you speak of? Mmmm. . .Tasty. Solution for the bigger cage for the snake? Get rid of the snake *shudder* :)
ReplyDeleteI'm paying more attention to your randomness than American Idol. Wow, your hilarity must really be hilarious. But now I'm also mad that I don't have any hershey's syrup.
ReplyDeleteOh this is some high quality randomness!!!
ReplyDeleteToo many funnies!!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteBecarefuk out there. My daddy was in a wreck yesterday:(
This was a really funny post. I hope your feelin better and get your syrup ASAP!
ReplyDeleteCan I mail you some chocolate syrup?
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny! Happy anniversary and may the God of chocolate syrup be with you!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the Ice day!