
It's Time...SSS

For the Secret Santa Soiree to kick off! We had a lot of fun last year, a total of 76 bloggers participated. If you would like to know more about the SSS click here to see how it all started last year. If you didn't join us last year and are considering joining this year I hope you will take the time to read some of the previous SSS posts. There are a few minor changes this yr *see below-after my confession

I know it seems early to be thinking about the Holidays but I will need time to match everyone up with a partner and still give you plenty of time to shop and ship...

Here is a general break down of whats to come(I will post specific rules along with the q&a at a later date) feel free to click the above link to read last years 411

*You must have a blog to participate*

  • From 9.15 to 10.15 I will be taking sign ups via McLinky-feel free to snag a SSS button place it on your blog and direct your friends to this post so they can sign up too-The More the Merrier!

  • During the sign up time frame I will post the specific rules and a Q&A that you will need to fill out and email me(q&a to be sent via email)

  • Around the first of November I will email you who your SSS exchange partner will be giving you plenty of time to shop before the shipping deadline(TBD)

My confession for today: We got SOAKED @ the OU game, a post will follow soon

Please sign McLinky if you want to be a part of the SSS-so we have an idea of how many will be participating this year.
*minor changes
I have set up a 'special' email at secretsantasoiree (at) gmail (dot) com so all SSS emails will come from that addy. In the very near future you will be asked to email me at the above address confirming your participation, then you will be emailed a Q&A that once you fill out and hit send will go straight into a google doc form, making things much easier this year. Also the price limit will be $20 before shipping. MORE INFO TO COME


  1. Hey Georgie! That's me first on Mr. Linky - a name would have helped. Sorry. I just got too excited.

    Will add the button when I get home to desktop - Netbook cutting and pasting is a pain in the elf.

    Thanks for doing this again! Em

  2. I love Christmas!!! I am so in and of course have already started my Christmas shopping months ago! I am number 2 up there on your list. Didn't follow directions! Ooops!

  3. YIPEE! SSS time, this was fun last year! Let me know if you need anything!

  4. Ooo! This looks like so much FUN! I wanna do it!

  5. cute cute cute and i am so happy to join in
    thanks for the heads up and keep us posted so we dont mess up

  6. Oh, I so want to do this. Count me in! :)

  7. I just emailed you the code for a grab box for one of the buttons. You can see it on my right hand sidebar, if you want.

  8. It was so much fun last year. Looking forward to this year.

  9. I have a love/hate relationship with secrets, but this will be fun. Thanks!

  10. I sure hope that this year everyone keeps the SECRET! *sigh*
    And I also hope my SSS is the same one it was last year. Heehee - Almond Joys!!!
    I'm in. Putting on my red suit right now.
    I'll come back for the banner.

  11. Signed up! I'm putting the button on my sidebar right this minute. I love that it's time to start thinking about Christmas!

  12. Yay, I had so much fun with this last year! can't wait to do it again!

  13. Count me in...if it's not too late!!

  14. I'll think about it. It sounds like fun!

  15. Oh, this sounds like fun! Yay! Oh, and I tagged you on my blog. :)

  16. Girl how did I miss this last year??? Putting the button up also.

  17. Okay I tried to join the list but when I put in my blog address-a little box popped up that said that I needed to add an "earl"(url)...I dont know how to do that...help me?

  18. I am soooo in! Thanks for doing this again this year.

  19. When first I read your confession I thought you meant you were taking names from 9:15 to 10:15 and I was thinking only an hour, what's up with that? and then I realized it was a date... I've had my coffee this morning, really I have. Sign me up!

  20. I am new to this and to blogging, but this would be a great way to get started! Thanks!

    Amanda at

  21. Sorry, I got stiffed during a swap once so I don't do them anymore. :(

  22. Fun, fun! :) I can hardly wait. Woo hoo!

  23. Hey Georgie I missed it last year but definitely want to join in the fun this year. I am also having a secret ornament swap overa t my place. I just love the holidays!!

  24. Sounds like sooo much fun!!! I can't wait!!!

  25. What a great blog...I had just a few minutes to blog hop tonight....
    Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog. I have a great giveaway that I will draw for on
    Oct 1 and a comment is all it takes to enter....

  26. Ooops! I typed in the wrong URL to my blog so I did it again. Please disregard #47. Thanks so much and I'm so excited!
    Just Another Cute Idea

  27. oh girl, i have been waiting almost a year for this! i remember finding your blog, and being too late, and thinking how cool the whole thing (and you) was.

    as you know, i do have a blog, but i may have to assume a new identity, as i think i have pissed off all the mommy bloggers. if i go into the blog-witness protection program, i will let you know.

  28. I'm the "I'm In" link, #55. I didn't know it wouldn't post my blog name! Sorry about that.

    Under the Influence

  29. I would LOVE to participate, how fun!! Thanks :)


  30. This is such a cool and fun idea!!! if you need to contact me send it to joshndena@yahoo.com

  31. This is a first for me, but it sounds like fun.
    Just hope I did the MckLinky thing right.

  32. Oh yes, can't wait! Hope I did the mclinky thing right, too.That was a first. Linda

  33. I guess I'm to late:(
