I ♥ Wheezer for many different reasons...
First we go wayyyyy back
It's fun to say her name, no seriously I find myself whispering 'wheezy' when I visit her blog then that makes me think of George Jefferson and 'Movin on up' then that makes me think of Alice and those cute pink waitress uniforms then that makes me think of the Facts of Life and Blair and Jo and Tooty...oops got off track....this where most peeps would say 'I digress'
She is a proud military wife and mom to boyboy and her doggers melly
She loves the bachelor
Her love of Robin Thicke speaks for itself *swoon*
Wheezer has lived in Germany and my China is from Germany-it's fate I tell ya
She has a Blogoversary coming up in March
If you don't know Wheezer I'd like to invite you to her place, we can raid her liqour cabinet and eat all her cheetos
My confession for today: Guess who's back? No not slim shady...SAWYER YAY!!!

Any blogger that loves The Bachelor is alright by me. I'm off to check her out...
ReplyDeletelet me have a peep at her blog
ReplyDeleteI love Wheezer, too! Congrats Wheez!
ReplyDeleteWhy is this the first I'm hearing of the liquor? Has she been hiding the liquor? Cause that's not very hospitable. At all. She can keep the cheetos. Unless they're those jalapeno flavored ones, then I want those AND liquor.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting...
Liquor and cheetos? I'm heading right over....
ReplyDeleteHey Georgie. I love the hearts on your comments signature. Thanks for visiting my blog. I was clueless about getting nominated until I read your comment. Thank you for letting me know. You do have a delightful blog! I don't know how some bloggers get so many followers. I have like 19 to your nearly 200???? Wow. It's impressive. I'll be back to read more as I make my rounds to all these great blogs. It's so great to connect with Okie bloggers!
ReplyDeleteOoo OOO!! Are you a lost fan too? I am a huge fan, although I was PISSED at how long it was off the air. I have to say I was slightly disappointed in last night's show. I guess with all the waiting I wanted more. *shrug*
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
Guess we shall all take a look over there!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Georgie!! That's awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited about Friday too! I can't wait. School started last week so I've been in a rush getting used to the new schedule. Friday will be a welcome diversion! lol.
Aw, shucks, Georgie! I love you, too. Thanks for the shout out! Welcome to my Cheeze everyone, the liquor and cheetos are ready!
ReplyDeleteShe loves the Bachelor? I'm an instant fan.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah.. the Wheezer was my SSS - what a talented lady!
ReplyDeleteLiquor?? Did someone say liquor??
ReplyDeletegoing to go check out her awesomeness for myself!
ReplyDeleteyour tv stream of consciousness brought back such good memories!
kiss my grits!
Thanks for the comment! Congrats to you too! It's exciting, isn't it?!?! :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I'm feeling about Lost. I just get so angry with the lack of answers.
ReplyDeleteOnly brilliant people love The Bachelor! I'll check her out!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to her Bachelor posts. I like to say Wheezer's name like they said Marcia from the Brady Bunch. Wheezer, Wheezer, Wheezer!
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy Wheezers Blog!
I am already a Wheezer fan.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I used to watch all those shows...ahh, the memories. Man, I'm old.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the stroll down memory lane...I'm off to visit Wheezer
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know about inki or whoever. I wonder what an Indian adsense account is. Nonsense?
Two awards for little ol' you in my bloggy today! *HUGZ*
ReplyDeleteYou had me at liquor and Cheetos.
ReplyDeleteLove Wheezer's blog, too, even though that woo-wee-ooo Buddy Holly song goes through my head every time I visit.
Sawyer's hotttttttttttt!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, and if liquor is involved, count me in! Woot!
Tooty and Blair from The Facts of Life? Wow...you just took me down Memory Lane!
ReplyDeleteI will have to check out this Wheezer blog:)
ReplyDeleteMmmmm! Liquor & Cheetos...I am there!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I can't wait to be a peeping tom!!
ReplyDeleteThis was fun Georgie! I'm headed over to order a drink now. :)
I am so singing the jeffersons theme song right now, Georgie!LOL!
ReplyDeleteI wanna be a peeping tom....
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting! I love the name Wheezer! Reminds me of Steel Magnolias, one of my favorite movies. I will have to swing over and check it out.
ReplyDeleteI had a girlfriend in college we called Wheezer!
ReplyDeleteShe loved her cheetos & beverages as well ; )
Too funny!
Liquor and cheetos?! I'm soooo in!!
ReplyDeleteOK I was lost at the first paragraph with wheeze and cheeze.
ReplyDeleteWoot-Woot Wheezy! I can't wait to check her out! Any Robin Thicke lover is a friend of mine AND the Bachelor? I think we were meant to be...bloggy friends!
ReplyDeleteYes indeed sawyer is back.YUM!
ReplyDeleteHi there Georgie,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for visiting me! I've just been catching up on your posts - look at all your wonderful comments! V. impressive! xx
Hey, Georgie!
ReplyDeleteI'm off to share some time on BONES.
Yup, I love those mysteries and 'who done it' shows! No realism for me ~ except maybe American Idol when I can talk Hubby Man into it.
Congrats but how do we vote for you? Where/How???
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I voted for you!!!
ReplyDeleteThis rocks! My vote is for you.
ReplyDeleteAnd I LOVE liquor and cheetos, so here I go!
Liquor and Sawyer all in one post? This is why I love it here.
ReplyDeleteYou've got my vote :-) See you Friday!
ReplyDeleteAww wish I lived in Oklahoma I would definately vote for you. Big LOST fan here too. Off to meet Wheezer. I'll pass on the liquor and cheetos, but I will have a little Sawyer! Yummy!
ReplyDeletesounds like fun to me!
ReplyDeleteBTW, just saw your gig at BATW! Way to Rock the House, yo!
ReplyDeleteAccording to Google Analytics I had 41 hits yesterday! You are a genius! It is 20 more than my record so far! I love you! How do I ever repay you?
It was great meeting you last night!