This was our Conversation:
Me: Helll-o all timid like
Daddy: yeah call the phone company and tell them my phone is out all out of breath and bossy like and what no Hi how are you, I miss you and love you?
Me: ummm okay who is your home service with-all relieved it is somone I know as apposed to someone I didn't wanna talk to
Daddy: Girrrrl I don't know just look in the phonebook and call them all very up in your bidness bossy like
Me: well daddy I need to know who your home service is with, is it SWB or AT&T -we don't live in the same town
Daddy: Yeah try AT&T-tell them my phone is out and I need them to come fix it
Me: Okay I will see what I can do
Daddy: JUST CALL THEM and then call mama and Tommy and have them call it in too
Click....ummm HELLO....
So I go dig out one of the monster phonebooks from my very messy junk cabinet and all kindsa things start falling out on my head and the counter and the floor like chapstick,a bottle of glitter-that spills,a picture frame I was gonna decorate with said glitter,the sewing kit that has been missing for at least 6 years which bounced off my head then on the floor spilling 397 stick pins and spools of thread,a calendar from 1999,a bottle of motrin which expired in 2000,beads that I hid from lilest bean in the flimsiest plastic tub-also spilling-mr gp aka NOT SAWYER is such a pack rat...geesh MEN
I call AT&T and get the rudest custmer service person ever-those automated peeps are so insensitive to the fact your back is killing you and 10 years worth of junk is now laying in the middle of your kitchen floor and they want you to push no less than 57 numbers before you get a real live rude CS person(no offense meant IF you are a real nice CS person-real OR automated)
So I go through the story and answer all the questions 30 mins later the lady says "do you have permission to authorize a $50 service fee IF we find this problem is not our fault and any repair charges will be the responsibilty of Mr Shirley" ummmmm me "Listen here lady, I PUSHED the number that the automated man told me to push IF I didn't have authorization" lady "Well we do show there is an issue with the line BUT we can NOT go out there if someone doesn't authorize this" me "Can't you just go out there he WILL be home then he can authorize whats he needs to" lady "NO"
At this point I hang up on her...I know I am so mature
I am gonna suggest daddy dust off and hook up the CB radio it's cheaper and the CS peeps are way nicer
My Confession for today: I plan on getting 'LOST' Jan 21st-hence all the NOT Sawyer ref's lately

I just want to cry after phone calls like that- Don't they know they are driving us to drink?
ReplyDeleteSuch a great post, Georgie. Not only did I love the great visual you created when you described opening up your junk cabinet, but also your frustration with the AT&T representative is something that I can completely relate to.
ReplyDeleteSomething very similar happened to me just the other day. My very mature and adult-like conversation ended with me yelling, "Why can't you just fix this?"
Definitely one of my finer moments. :)
You are such a nice daughter.
ReplyDeleteSee you on the island somewhere in the space/time continuum.
You are getting LOST too?! WOW so happy to see another LOST fan!! Yay! I agree CS reps can be so rude sometimes...but there are some nice ones out there I am sure....and it was so nice of you to deal with the rude ones for your daddy!!
I dread calling companies for help - especially the health insurance folks, they are the worst! (Sorry if that refers to any of your other commenters!)
ReplyDeletethanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on Encouraging Independence. I so agree, it's hard to let go, I can not believe I do as well as I do with it. I may have a hard time with my youngest, since we will have no more children after him I may just bottle him up and keep him little forever! lol
ReplyDeleteCalling the phone company SUCKS....and the electric company too. I think they all take rude classes.
ReplyDeleteI hate to bring this up but if your dad called you, then why couldn't he call the phone company? Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is no more customer service.
Can't wait for lost!!
LOL! So what had him all upset? And how did it turn out?
ReplyDeleteLOL....don't you love it when, as their children, we become the parents who know how to fix everything???
ReplyDeleteDebbie-thats my point, well what makes it funny to me BUt in his defense he apparently was calling from a payphone at a lil country store near his house-he was probably late for radition treatments and had my cell # memorized...hence I got the call
ReplyDeleteAGWB-I can only assume that you dont mess with a man and his home phone LOL I honestly have never heard him in such a tizzy before-but he lives in the sticks the closest store is prolly 12-15 miles or so away and neighbors are at a premium where he lives
Those peeps will drive you nuts!
ReplyDeleteHOW frustrating! OH how I miss the days when we called and got REAL people FIRST!
ReplyDeleteHope your back gets to feeling better soon
Sorry about your back. My question is if your dad called you, why didn't he call the phone company?
ReplyDeleteALWAYS, always ALWAYS ask to speak to their supervisor...always.
ReplyDeletesay this exact line, " What is your name again? I feel that you are being rude and unhelpful. I need (that's the keyword need) to speak to your supervisor right away. I will hold for no longer than 2 minutes."
That really pisses them off. Then you get the sweet supervisor that tries to make things right and 90% of the time they'll wave the fee. Especially if you mention how rude and unhelpful the person was before.
Second, I'm with NucMEd...if he called you...?? Did you ask him that later?
I would rather push buttons than talk to those stupid computers. They never understand my because of my Texas accent so it just ends up with me yelling at them while trying to not have an accent. All the while Hubby sits back and laughs his but off.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon! Such a funny post!
ReplyDeleteAhhh...customer service reps. So fun. What a great addition to a Monday!
ReplyDeleteDid I just read that you, too, are a Lost fan. Specifically, a Sawyer fan??? He doesn't know it, but he's my TV boyfriend. Yes, I know I'm married and all, but my husband doesn't mind. ;)
i am laughing about the initial phone call. i do the same thing whenever i (usually stupidly) answer a call from a number i don't recognize. i answer prepared to either just hang up, to act like i am not me, or act so sick i can't finish a sentence.
ReplyDeleteUhh you were 100000% mature.... These companies sure knows how to drain our money!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd even worse when your calling and they will give you NO HELP whatsoever cause your not listed on the account. Fuckwads. I hate that. All I was trying to do was help my mama and they gave me such a run around. IT's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteSorry your feeling bad - hope it gets better soon.
Don't you just love those Daddy pleading for help phone calls. I flinch anymore when I see his number come up.
ReplyDeleteI think it's easier to talk to the automated CS!
ReplyDeleteThat was one crazy ride for me reading this!
ReplyDeleteI can't stand when you call customer service and it sends you to some outsourced company in India or something and you are trying to explain your problem and they can't even understand you and you can't even understand them. Sooooo frustrating!
ReplyDeleteI left you a sweet award on my blog if you want to come and claim it. me a favor! Will you call a proctologist because there is a foot stuck up my Hubby's butt! I will authorize the service fee now! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a good daughter!I hate dealing with customer service over the phone. It is so frustrating!
aren't you GLAD you answered that unknown number???
ReplyDeleteHilarious. Just follow my example and never answer the phone ever. I sometimes wonder why we have one when we never answer it or call anyone. We're all about texting and emails. And blog comments.
ReplyDeleteSo funny!
ReplyDeleteI hate CS people too. For some reason I feel it is SO WRONG that what they do is considered a service.
In my experiences the telephone company has the WORST customer service. I haven't figured out why, it just seems to be that way. I have received much better service when calling places like the bank or Dish Network.
ReplyDeleteYou poor hun! Go take a nice long, hot bath with lots of chocolate, ok??
ReplyDeleteAnd ohmygosh.....LOST!!! #1 fan here but I'm more of a Jack Girl, lol!
Customer service is in the toilet now!
ReplyDeleteDo people still use CB's?
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. Let's all go back to CB's. I loved my handle...we could all be incognito. Breaker, Breaker 1-9!
ReplyDeleteOh, I have a junk drawer like that...AND hate dealing with customer service reps. "Customer Service"? Who are they kidding, anyway?
ReplyDeleteLet's send all the customer service reps to THE ISLAND!
ReplyDeleteYou have the knack for turning just about anything into something funny! How do you do it?!?! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhat did you tell dad when you talked to him next? Or have you even talked to him?? LOL!
Soo funny! I really don't like dealing with the phone company. Its like you never really get people on the phone now. I'm like "wtf, have computers taken over T-Mobile or what?"
ReplyDeleteHave you talked to your dad since then? lol
I don't know what is worse ~ rude customer service people or automated customer service systems which have you either push buttons or state 'this' or 'that' ~ only to get to the end and hear that their office is closed so call back during normal office hours.
ReplyDeleteWhen I finally go postal, it will be due to phone calls like that
ReplyDeleteYes I l♥ve the hearts! I am now a follower of your blog :) Have a great week! ♥ Hugs :)
ReplyDeletethat what happen when u answer strange numbers calls .. !!!
ReplyDeleteyou rock georgie! don't take no crap from those faceless people that are rude....your dad on the other hand, you kidna have to. Hope your back is feeling better now!
ReplyDeleteI got lost last weekend. It was the most joyous experience.
ReplyDeleteInteresting conversation from both your dad and the CS people. I know I cant stand some CS people and I used to be one myself!
CS people are such buttheads.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I laughed at the 3,000 pins on the floor. Hope you got some beans to pick them up.
Sorry your back is hurting. You just need some Motrin 800. Works like a charm.
Holy crap - thanks for reminding me.
ReplyDeleteMy DVR took a crap and now I have no idea when ANYTHING is on.
I hate, hate, hate when you jump through all the stupid button-pushing hoops on the phone and then get to the person who says, "May I have your account number?" You mean the one I punched in when I heard, "For better service, please enter your account number?!!" GRRR