Then said voices start again, since you are a lil more awake this time you grab the home phone for your weapon of choice-because it's bigger and return to the hallway to open your only sons bedroom door and see him bright eyed and bushy tailed with his xbox 360 head gear on playing someone named Hindia from India ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!
What would you do if...
Your sweet,beautiful lilest bean crawled into bed with you and proceeded to knee and kick you in the back shoving your kidneys into your uterus-upon waking you try to get out of bed only to find you can't stand up straight...
What would you do if...
You got 4 different calls to sub at oldest beans school but turned them all down because you are now giving the hunchback a run for his money(Thanks to lilest bean) and didn't want to embaress oldest bean BUT you really need to work...
What would you do if...
Your husband aka mr gp aka NOT SAWYER told you he just got a memo from work stating they are fixing to restructure...and you may not be able to take your annual anniversary trip to Eureka Springs...
What would you do if...
You had a dream oh wait I mean nightmare that Kathy Lee Gifford was your MIL...
What would you do if...
You poured your first cup of go-go juice and made it just the way you like it then took your first sip only to find it was yesterdays coffee...
What would you do if...
You vowed to be better at doing the tags and bloggy bling/awards you were given so you created a special folder in outlook to keep track of them and you go to do a post with thanks and gratitude and passing them on, only to find that lilest bean deleted all your folders because she over heard you comment that you needed to clean up your outlook express...
What would you do if...
You were craving Rocky Road ice cream from Braums and on your way home you notice the moon and decide to take some pics because it just looks so lovely in the night sky and this is what you get...
and this
What would you do if...
You thought this lil WWYD meme would be fun for others to play along with but can't figure out mr linky
My confession for today: I did not crawl into a fetal postion,cry or suck my thumb when NOT Sawyer said we may not be able to take that trip to ES

if i am being honest, those photos look a little penile.
ReplyDeletei hope you get to take that trip, ms. georgie! my fingers are crossed for you.
when my lilest bean crawls into my bed, i head straight for the guestroom to avoid injury!
Can I just tell you how hard I'm laughing??? The best was the moon pictures!!! WHAT CAN I SAY? I would slit my wrists!? DUNO!!???
ReplyDeleteI loved this.
ReplyDeleteBeen there, done that with the job thing. Going through it right now, actually. Not fun, but I'm trying to look at it as a one-day-at-a-time thing.
I think I would have a drink
ReplyDeleteI was thinking penile and thought maybe I was crazy until I read Deb's comment. I totally agree with her.
ReplyDeleteWhen my youngest gets in my bed, I immediately vacate if I want to survive the night.
You totally described my oldest son playing 360 in the middle of the night.
OMG! I am cracking UP! Those pictures are TOO MUCH! I can relate to the XBox deal, that happens weekly at my house, but on the weekends, not school nights!
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do? Go back to bed and pull the overs over my head!
ReplyDeleteI do have a little bloggy love for you here:
Happy Monday!
ReplyDeleteVoices? In the middle of the night? I thought everyone had those...
ReplyDeleteI would go back to bed!!! I hope you get to take your trip.
ReplyDeleteI loved that post...and maybe my mind is in the gutter but I was kind of wondering why a Male Species got ahold of you camera and stuck it down his pants for you to post.
ReplyDeleteI would be handing over duties to hubs immediately when he gets home and go to bed for the night! haha! Yeah, right!
oh dear you poor thing! lol (sorry, i wasn't laughing AT you.)
ReplyDeleteSo many questions, so many answers, so little time!
ReplyDeleteTrust me though, I have an answer for eveery one of em :)
Hindia from India?
Is it wrong that "Hindia for India" made me LOL???
ReplyDeleteI would take a shot!
ReplyDeleteHope you get your trip... the moon, looks, interesting.... hope you get some sleep!
ReplyDeleteBetter grab your Bud Light w/ Lime sounds like your gonna need it especially if you can't make the Eureka Springs trip. I know you will be so disappointed.
ReplyDeleteYour son on the XBOX 360 in the middle of the night cracked me up. Sorry but Hindia from India is funny!
I am glad I was not the only one who thought the moon pics looked like phallic shapes. ROFL
bud with lime please
ReplyDeleteThat was funny.
ReplyDeleteAll of the above would be managable until discoving i was drinking yesterday's coffee. Then I WOULD curl into a fetal position and cry about every single one of them. Except the moon. Because I totally didn't see it that way until I read other people's comments. Then I laughed my head off.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a rough night....hope it gets better. and I hope Not SAwyer keeps his job during the redo.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I loved the pics of the moon.
Fun post! I have seen the "I did not" ones, but I like this one too!
ReplyDeleteI second the bud light with lime. Very clever...just may do this myself. :)
ReplyDeleteI would go back to bed and hope that big dick you took pictures of did not hunt me down and ruin my nap
ReplyDeleteSurrrre...the moon??
ReplyDeleteI hope the "restructer'n" works out in your favor.
Well if the ES trip is off, you know where you will be expected. Right? RIGHT??!!
ReplyDeleteLove you hunchy - sorry your upside down and round and round right now. But if you did better at talking to me during the day you might not feel so bad.
Also, tell my son that I will kick his Indian lovin (no offense meant) arse if he pulls that sh1t again. And then take away his XBOX for a week. sound like you might just make it :-)
ReplyDeleteThe picture of the moon looks a little like...something I have seen the dark.
ReplyDeleteThis was so much fun, you are one funny lady.
Have a great day.
Um....I'm speechless...and very exhausted from your night/day. Is that 2nd moon picture flipping you off?
ReplyDeleteI second Deb's comment about the photos looking penile (something about our name, I guess). I would take control of the kids Xbox because I Soooo love to do that! And Kathie are right - that is a nightmare!
ReplyDeleteYou got my camera, I have punching-bag kidneys courtesy of my munchkin too, and I love that you call hubby NOT Sawyer... I have a NOT Sawyer too... I'll curl into the fetal position and suck my thumb and cry so you don't have to... it's the least a sister-in-situation can do...
ReplyDeleteI would....GO BACK TO BED and start this day over!!!!! Poor Georgie :( And Bummer about our Sooners too :( Twas still a great year though :) Bring on the hoops!! (Although, I have never been as big of a BB fan as for football! There's just nothin' like it!)
ReplyDeleteI would get down on my knees and pray to God for a do-over. Sometimes He does grant those, ya know?
ReplyDeleteAs for the pictures? Are you sure that's the moon? I'm just saying that if it is, I'd be spreading the news that you have an immaculate consumption of nude moon pictures and post them for sale on Ebay!
ROFL!!! Oh my gosh. You totally know what I thought of when I saw your pictures. lol They do look very different then the pictures I took. I think yours are more creative. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're going to do the Valentine's Day swap with's gonna be a ton of fun!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteI would scream if blog stuff got deleted!!
So funny about xbox in the middle of the night!
I might go nuts just thinking about What would I do!
ReplyDeleteThat was oddly hilarious yet sad yet disturbing. :)
ReplyDeleteThat was hilarious! Cooper does that crap all the time. I had to program the TV to turn off at 930 on week nights. Sneaky little terds.
ReplyDeleteI think I would throw the biggest pity party around, and invite my friends Ben & Jerry.
ReplyDeleteHere's to a better day tomorrow.
Poor's almost over and then you can say "I survived that day" remember that day? What happened to your moon pictures??? Was the moon all wiggelin while you were trying to capture his essence? Damn moon.
ReplyDeleteYou are so hilarious!!! I think I'd do what you did...make the best of it, laugh a little, share a lot, and move forward! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI would loan you a pair of safety scissors...which by lack of better alternatives would have my weapon of choice when our Christmas tree fell over and I was convinced we had a burglar. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up, Sweet Georgie. I <3 you!
I was definitely getting ready for you to say you had a ghost or something...*phew*
ReplyDeletePhotos of the moon, interesting.
Jabbed in the kidney, I feel your pain...been there.
Loved the post!
LOL! love the post!!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post!!!!!! What would I do..? I would go back to bed and pray for a better day just like I have been with my 2 year old keeping up all night every night!
ReplyDeleteTHose moon pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FReAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did you get up? Maybe a stiff shot will make things better. But you made us laugh, doesn't that make it all better!!
ReplyDeleteIf I had the $$, I would fly you to Florida, we could sit on the beach and drink Bud Limes and pretend we were on the island and we could look for Sawyer.
ReplyDeleteWell, Lost is coming back soon. At least there is something to look forward to.
I would drink. Heavily. Then I would sell one of my battered kidneys to fund the trip to ES. Hope it happens for you and both of your kidneys!
ReplyDeleteOh, Georgie! You SOOO Make me laugh! I would go back to bed and start over in a few hours after getting some rest and hope you dont run ti Kathy Lee.
ReplyDeleteAnd those pictures...I know you are tired. Are you sure that was of the moon and not something while you were in the bed last night with hubs? Just thinking out loud here....I'm just saying. It ain't no moon I have ever seen. I take that back, perhaps from the front side.
LOL When I saw Hindia from India, I thought I'd rofl, but the pictures...they really did it!
ReplyDeleteAnd yesterday's coffee...BLEECH!!! I've done that one a time or two. ugh
when it rains it pours, and honey, its pouring at your house:)
ReplyDeleteboy your nightmares run to the extreme "Kathy Lee Gifford as MIL" yikes! Great meme or list or whatever, had me smiling at your expense anyways!!