
Love Dare-Day 4

Day 4-Love is thoughtful

How precious also are Your thoughts to me. . . .
How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them,
they would outnumber the sand. —Psalm 139:17–18

The Dare:

Contact your spouse sometime during
the business of the day. Have no agenda
other than asking how he or she
is doing and if there is anything
you could do for them.

My confession for today: I got to learn my X Y chromosomes-explaination to come in a post shortly


  1. Ohh. This one I can do. Thanks!

  2. Oh boy...Hubby may have a stroke and die on this one. I always have an agenda...Oh My!

  3. You are now DR. RUTH...only taller and with a better accent...

  4. What if he doesn't go to work today, do I still have to?

  5. ok if i fix him lunch will that work??????
    i love this....it really is fun!!!!
    how is the dare working out for you???
    i did a little post about this last nite on my blog....i gave you a little shout out!!!!!

  6. How have I not managed to make my way over to my beloved Georgie Girl's blog? As someone who is decisionally challenged to her very core, it just doesn't seem possible.

    True to form, I discover something inspirational on your post...a love dare for my man. Great idea! I look forward to learning more.


  7. Oh Good, this is an easy one today!

  8. Before Joe left for work this morning, we had to work out a code for his SIX PER DAY telephone calls to me. IF I pick up the phone and say nothing, he'll know I'm dying and will head home immediately.

    PROBLEM: He said this to me as he was walking out the door, worrying about my welfare due to the fact I have pneumonia AND LARYNGITIS!!! HOW am I supposed to answer the phone and SPEAK??? arghhhhh

  9. This one is easy! Yay!

  10. Hey!! I do this one already!! How cool is that?!?

  11. So I can't call him to bitch about something he forgot to do? Ok I'll try!

  12. DOes it count that I put a note in his lunch box when I made his lunch??

  13. "Have no agenda other than asking how he or she
    is doing and if there is anything you could do for them."

    Really? If I do this I could be humming the bobo in the back of a work van.
    I told him I would pick him up some ginger ale this morning, that's good enough right?

  14. If I am that nice Hubby would be suspicious. Like What did you do now.

  15. I told him he's such a awesome father. Just 'cause! Found you from Bloggeritaville!

  16. Ohhh I wanna know how this one went!
