
XX and XY Restrooms

If you are looking for day 4 of The Love Dare please scroll past this post

Yesterday I subbed, I really like subbing at the 9th/10th grade levels-these young adults are starting to mature and they are pretty respectful.

I arrive at 11am to get my keys,badge and folder with map and teachers schedule-there are 6 periods to a school day with a planning period and 30 min lunch-imagine my surprise when I look at the teachers schedule to find he had 4th hour plan-YAY me...4th hr plan is the most sought after planning period-well okay maybe I am the only sub that scans all the teachers planning periods but this is why 4th hr plan is so great...

You have from 11-12:40 off-that means your 30 min lunch is now LONGER and you can leave and come home and put a roast in the crock pot or go grocery shopping or go to a very short movie...you get the idea, right? So I only had to sub for 2 classes yesterday-talk about easy...

I subbed for science and all the science teachers are grouped on the same block/hall. Why am I telling you this? Because this is the smart hall as opposed to the weight lifting/aerobics hall...how do I know I was in the smart area of town? The restrooms...

I was given a key to the faculty bathroom-but I couldn't find it and I couldn't hold it so I walk into the the restroom and see this

I stop, gasp and back out quickly-THANK GOODNESS no one was in there-I look above the door for the typical 'Boys In' sign, it's not there-PHEW I AM NOT AN IDIOT-so I walk around the corner trying to find the 'Girls In' sign no luck.

As I am standing there legs crossed trying not to wet my pants I see it-REMEMBER I am in the smart hall

On the wall beside the restrooms in really BIG letters I see this...

Okay so maybe I am an IDIOT...

So I am wondering if the math hall has an equation on the wall directing unsuspecting subs to do a math problem to figure out which door is which

What about the Spanish, German and French hall-I didn't take note of the restrooms the day I subbed for Spanish because the faculty RR was right across from my room.

The fine arts hall prolly has something really creative like perhaps this...

I bet Social Studies/American History has a map of the world with a big red X that marks the spot

I bet the computer hall has restroom signs like this

I wonder if this sign can be found around the lunch room

The FFA Hall

The athletic hall

And lastly for those like me who NEED to be sure which door they are walking through

My confession for today: I am sure there is a moral to this story-something really insightful like 'know your chromosomes'


  1. HA! Love that last one. I sent you an email about IRS, not sure if it went or not.

  2. haha!!! i love it!!!!
    i loved the fine arts one!!!!!

  3. HAHA Oh poor Georgie. Good thing there weren't any boys in there. LOL

  4. I love it!! You are so silly!!

  5. So which one wre you supposed to go into? Cause I would have stuck with the first one with the urinal and just peed stradling that sucker. Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go. And now I goota go. Peepee dance, peepee dance.

  6. hahaha......you're so funny......and truly that is what they have for signs?????


  7. Creative bathroom signs....I love it!

  8. Love the signs! Makes you wonder if any other schools do that as well.

  9. ROFL!! That was great. And I have to admit, I'd have to stop and think about for a second before going in.

  10. The Pointers/Setters made me laugh out LOUD (and almost spit coffee on my computer!!) I may have spent my planning period wandering the halls looking for signs like these! Too funny!

  11. I always worry that I am going to go into the men's room and catch an eyefull!

  12. If it helps any, I would have probably done the exact same thing!

  13. Those were great!

    I remember being in a seafood resturant a few years back and the bathroom doors were super confusing. If I remember correctly it was something like Jelly Fish and Star Fish. I had NO IDEA which would be which, so I went back to our table and told them I was too stupid to pee.


    One of the coolest bathrooms I've ever been to was in a night club. The night club was set up like an old spooky house and the bathrooms were hidden inside a bookcase! You had to find the right book (marked with a woman or a man), pull the book, and the secret door swung open. It was SOOOO cool. That is until you got so drunk that finding the secret book became extremely difficult.

  14. Great story - and I love your ideas for the other bathrooms. LMBO! So funny!!!

    Wait, did you really just say that 9th and 10th graders were mature and respectful? LMBO! So funny!!!

  15. That was a great post. I loved the Barbie and Ken although Ken is kind of prissy so some folks may be confused. I think you should add pictures of cows (udders vs. well...um...) Oh never mind.

  16. I'm with Soxy Deb- I would have straddled and gone on the urinal, but being caught in that positon might have been uncomfortable!

    So you like the subbing thing? I think I might give it a shot for some extra cash- I wonder if I could handle it??

  17. Surely that one with the urinals had doors too? They have to sit at some point.

  18. Great post! I Loved all of your ohter ideas for restroom signs. Too funny!

  19. They gotta keep the kids brains entertained ya know! I would have been in trouble...standing there thinking about it, would have been a dead giveaway.

  20. You are so funny! I love getting a good giggle here.

  21. Fourth hour planning period?! Wow you scored ; )
    My confession today:
    I still can't find my Love Dare book?!??!

  22. That was so funny! I love the fine arts one. Hilarious. You just brightened my day a whole lot.

  23. Now I know all the universal signs on bathroom doors. Thanks!!

  24. OMG!!! That was the funniest post!!!!

  25. Gret post!

    Urinals scare me. I once went to a beautiful home (on a Beautiful Home Tour) and the boys' bathroom had a urinal. Isn't that just asking for piss all over the walls? That freaked me out.

    I didn't get the computer one. And I can never remember who has the Y chromosome. It's girls, right?

  26. Over from SITS! How dad-gummed funny those door signs are! That's hee-larious!
    So glad I came across your blog!

  27. That is when you need the You Go Girl! The You Go Girl is a device that a girl can use to pee standing up!

  28. I hope you finally made it to one of those bathrooms. hahaha

    Wenda is at my place too, Nana's Kitchen

  29. LOL Georgie! Good thing there weren't any boys in there or we might be seeing you on the news!

  30. Perhaps you need to sub at a college like my DS attended in MA - they had COED bathrooms. UGH! Forget the embarassment factor; the GROSS factor is enough to send me outside to squat behind a tree!

  31. You're funny for a humorous Okie blogger. LOL

  32. Too funny. Thanks again for checking in ;)

  33. You didn't tell us how long it took before you figured it out!

  34. YOU are ridiculous. I love you, but you are ridiculous. Your brain works in mysterious ways

  35. Oh that is AWESOME! We have a standing joke (since there is one guy in our office) that if we have serious business to do - we use his bathroom while the rest of us stand guard. He HATES it, but it's hysterical anyway!

    Thanks for stopping by - hope to have a new post tomorrow!! :-)

  36. You are so creative a blogger! Il like the rope signs best, I think.. I would actually like puzzling bathroom signs. Fun!

  37. I love this post...I saw it earlier but didn't have time to comment...I have laughed all day! :)

  38. Oh, good grief!! I'd be lost in that school! Lost, I tell you, lost!! It must be huge ~ unless, of course, you are just funning us!!

  39. I MUST have the pointer/setter signs. So cute! Glad you got out of the restroom without further embarrassment!

  40. You are hilarious. I would have walked into the wrong one as well. Not only that, I probably wouldn't have even realized either one was a washroom in the first place...

  41. I would have wet myself just watching you do that. You crack me up! great pix!!!!!

  42. Oh, BTW, just remember, the XY is the guy(the tail on the y is like the tail on the guy)

  43. LOL!!! I would have been SO lost!!!! Love the one for the art hall. Too much! LOL

  44. I would have done the same thing.

    I can't stop looking at the fine arts hall pics. You're hilarious!!! ☺ ☺

  45. OHHHHH the elephant... I want to get that and put it on my bathroom door.. other then rabbits we love elephants!!! And the fun thing is that only a few of us would know what it meant or would even get it!!! :)

  46. Funny. They really had xx and xy? That would be really shitty if you were drunk...room spinning, seeing double. Why would I be in the smart hall drunk? Why would I be in the smart hall period?

  47. That was so funny.
    I hate going out and not being able to figure out the potty situation.

  48. These are great. I saw some hilarious bathroom signs while I was in Spain. I should have snapped some pictures.
