To the mom in the ford edge who dropped her son off at school with his shorts on backwards, then when the son realized and walked back to the car and you motioned him back in to fix his backwards shorts holding up the drop off line, once his shorts were finally on correct and he is out of the car you continue to have a conversation with him...THANK.YOU.VERY.MUCH! Thats 10 minutes of my life I will never get back...I always check tags before we leave for school...
I am happy to report that I am now doing the school drop off lane correctly and I am writing down the tag numbers of those of you that aren' only took me 3/4ths of the yr to figure it out...I'm blond...what's your excuse?
To Phillip Morris as of Sunday I will no longer be helping you pay for your car,house,summer house,great-great-great grand childrens college fund or your maid...just thought you'd like to know...
Dear NBC do we REALLY need another hour of the today show? Thanks Kathy Lee and Hoda for the great SNL skits...
I was watching the news the other night...yanno Chelsea Lately on E!(hey it's where I get my news)...well she informed me that one of the housewives of NYC, the Countess LuAnn de Lesseps is getting divorced, her husband told her via email(That Sucks-no really THAT SUCKS)but still... Jill Zarin is my FAV housewife EVAH! Jill is classy and to the point-I just ♥ her...However don't even get me started on Ramona, and then there is Kelly the new girl recently arrested for beating up her boyfriend...TRAIN WRECK that I can't turn away from, I love it...can't wait till the Jersey Girls hit the scene I♥Bravo! In case you wondered I'm Team Jill...
To the lil guy who works at Game Crazy-Thanks for trying to scare the crap out of us in to buying the extended warranty on the DSi by saying that already today 3 people have broke their DSi's- and for assuming my bean doesn't take care of his gaming systems, did we not just turn in a DS for $90 in CREDIT in IMMACULATE condition in WHITE and does the 'i' really make it that much more fragile? Maybe NINTENDO would like for me to review some of their products... I so understand you work on commission but do you really have to use car saleman like tactics on 13 yr old beans? no offense meant to car salesmen or their wifes I'm just sayin....
Lastly I have declared today delurking of the peeping tom day-so if you are reading and never comment I sure would LOVE to hear from you just click below where it says Peeping Toms had this to say♥click to comment and let me know you were here
For more Friday Fragments please visit Half Past Kissin Time aka Mrs 4444
My confession for today: I OBVIOUSLY need a vacation....ES here we come....

Hey, cool! I do Friday Fragments to! I should have mine up soon. Good luck with the quitting!
ReplyDeleteSee... It was you holding up the 'Loop" in the drop off line wasn't it lady.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the Countess feels about losing her title? Let me throw her a pity party. :P
ReplyDeleteI am stopping by and thought I would leave my!!
ReplyDeleteI used to hate the cars that held up the school drop off line...nine times out of ten, it was because the kid left their lunch on the seat....drove me nuts! No kid of mine was going to leave their lunch for crying out loud!!
I hate when people hold up lines...of ANY kind!! I'm impatient, what can I say? LOL
ReplyDeleteDelurking today!!
Great fragments!! Joining in on this for the 1st time this week. Yay!! Another place to vent for the whole world to see.
ReplyDeleteYep, I hate it also when the line is held up. But what really irks me is when people get mad while I'm talking to my son.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh...for awhile I had stopped laughing...thanks for bringing back my laugh! :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteyou crack me up!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd pretty soon - the Today Show is going to need a cable network to itself - plays 24 hours a day!
Thanks for the Friday wrap-up. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of a school drop off zone. I mean I guess we have one but most parents walk their child up to the doors or playground, again we live in fairly small town so I don't know.
ReplyDeleteLoved your post- very funny but so easy to relate to!
Happy Friday,
Man, am I glad I don't have to do that drop-off thing, because so many bloggers do, and it's clearly a source of daily frustration for some. Don't take this the wrong way, but it might help to just be glad you have a kid to drop off; remember my dear Molly (who lost her son in Oct). I'm positive she would love to go back to those drop-off days, even for just one day. I don't mean to sound preachy; just trying to find a way to tolerate those IDIOTS in the drop-off lane, who aren't as smart as you :) (love you!!) Okay, enough of that!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your decision to quit smoking! I wish you all the self-control you'll need. You'll be so glad you did it (at least that's what I've heard, heehee.)
Hey, congrats in advance for giving up Philip Morris! Wish I had the courage, patience, willpower.... balls.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter!
Good for you for quitting! I'll be your cheer squad if it helps.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the Philip Morris thing. I will be cheering you on!!
ReplyDeleteOnce again, shame on Yogi.
ReplyDeleteI started making Michael ride the bus because of the morons in the drop off line. How many times have I been trapped behind someone who decides the rules don't apply to them? Geez.
I don't lurk... I ♥ your blog :-)
ReplyDeleteHi I come often and read but I have not been brave enough to leave a comment. I started a blog but I have not been a regular about writing on it. I think my last post was January. I enjoy reading others more than writing mine.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with quiting smoking. I can't stand people who hold up the drop off lanes at school. I have 4 stops to make and that can waste a lot of my time.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you and Philip have gone your separate ways. We have been apart for 5 years; I am so glad to be free of him. He sucked the life right out of me!
ReplyDeleteYay on breaking the Phillip Morris support.
ReplyDeleteI am a parent pick-up/drop-off Nazi. Learn the rules people!
I am addicted to the OC Housewives, but it sounds like I need to be watching the NYC ones.
Hubby is thinking about giving up on Phillip too. I sure wish he would. My daughter is wanting me to buy her a DSi for her birthday next month - just a warning she is 24 and still asking for toys.
ReplyDeleteThose mom's that hold up the line use to make me so mad. I would day dream about sticking a knife in their tires while I sat there waiting on them. lol
Have a Happy Easter Georgie!
LOL! I hear ya loud and clear on the Warranty purchasing issue!
ReplyDeleteI hope it works for you that whole lurking thing...I've done everything short of flashin' a boob to intice the lurkers out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the craziness today.
ReplyDeleteI hate morning TV shows and it drives me nuts when other people are oblivious to what's going on around them!
Won't you be happy when summer break comes, and you can get out of that car line??!
ReplyDeleteThe only Housewives I watched was Atlanta. I can't wait for Jersey though. That should be entertaining!!
I HATE school pick up/drop off lines. Thankfully, my hubby takes her to school and well after? I have her walk about a block away and pick her up away from the chaos! I'm such a good mommy!
wait! really? luann's getting divorced???
ReplyDeletei think you should set up an anonymous tip line to report carpool line infractions.
I read this super fast and imagined you talking all random and super fast. It was fun.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with Sunday...that's really hard stuff.
I wish you nothing but success in your no smoking!
ReplyDeleteI had heard about the Countess but Kelly...didn't know that. She's a weird one though. That much I knew. I loved Bethany's non-reaction to her in the bar that night.
Heck, I'd be happy to send my kid to school with backwards pants. What's her problem?
ReplyDeleteMy girlie had her pants on all day the other day and I didn't even notice till the day was done. I really pay attention. And I can't do the drop off lane because I can't figure it out. I walk the chickie 's up every day from the parking lot. We get there waaay to early to get a space.
ReplyDeleteGreetings!!! I'm not a peeping know I ALWAYS hafta comment ~ whether asked for or not!
ReplyDeleteHave a GREAT time on vacation!!! And I am so jealous of your decision to stop lining PM's pockets. I need to as well...
ReplyDeleteOK fine! I am a total lurker! I'm delurking to say that I enjoy your writing, am thankful you are feeling better, and hope you survive teenhood with the beans!
ReplyDeleteI hate to say I've done that before, odd socks, odd shoes when he was a toddler (and that was just me!)
ReplyDeleteGeorgie!!! Best wishes on quitting smoking! loved all your fragments!
ReplyDeleteOMG I would so totally crack up if you had my tag number on your list!!! I never thought of that but our kids elementary school drop thing is a mess and I get angry like 4 out of the 5 days!! I guess some people don't get the concept of DRIVE THRU AND DROP OFF lanes! Seriously! Oh and I hate it when the first person in line waits until their child is completely INSIDE the school to pull off! HELLO I have other things to do with that time and when people stop to drop off then stay in the drop off lane freaking sitting there.....wait I'll just post about it someday!!
ReplyDeleteFirst time here. As Arnold said so eloquently "I'll be back."
ReplyDeleteVacation and several (hundred) Bud Light with Limes.
ReplyDeleteAre you gonna be able to do the sleep over in Oct??
Let me know.
I hope you have/had a great girls weekend!!
Thanks for the crack up and Happy Easter!