Dear mama...
So much has happened since my last post.
Reese hates yung-ins,tomatoes and lasagna...ok so that's still the same...
Mom, Abby just got back from Chicago...Joe graduated basic...I let her go for 5 days with Joe's fam onafrigginroadtrip! They made t-shirts(i felt left out),they shopped,they ate at fancy restaurants. Joe showed them around base...they have a bx. He bought her an iphone...they have their own plan's serious! He will be stationed in San Diego...I gotta become a Charger fan! They ring shopped! OMG! She loves him...they are so young...Gosh mom I wish you were here!
Mom...Jess is a beautiful mess...she just turned 14 and she got her tregus pierced...okay well I am sure I spelled it wrong but it's a lil flappy ear part! Mom you know Jess...she is so her own person.. it's fair time as in Tulsa State Fair and she has been going and going...she likes a boy...which is different than a boy likes her! Mama I miss you...
Oh dear where do I start with Reese...he is such a good boy it wrong of me to say he is better than the girls? Okay boys are just easier... Him & His posse are, all 8 of them, going on a road trip to a SOONERS game-they(the boys) invited Eric...I hope he goes with will give me some piece of mind. Mama he is so cute...I know you know this and he has a date tomorrow for the fair to see Mike Posner...
As for me mom...I'm lost...I am working but being taken advantage of...I wish you were here so I could have a sounding board and you could tell me how to handle this situation! Of course I can hear you now sayin..."Gina..."
Mama I got strep...srsly & really at 40 I got strep throat! It was awful mom...I thought I had the flu...which I might as well have had...I got a shot in the was wonderful ...the shot not the strep...
I don't talk to Becky & Laura very much...same ol same ol mom-I think they communicate so you would be happy that 2out of 3 are...I do chat with Barry at least once a week...kinda like when I would call you and you wouldnt be home yet and he would answer...he's havin a rough time of it...but we are trying to help him mama...he will be moving soon, him and all the foxy,lizzie and bandit...I know they miss you too! Although I am not quiet sure anyone could possibly miss you more than me...dogs included...
It's Oct...Halloween will be coming up-Jess wants to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader for Halloween*sigh*...Abby will be 18 in a lil over a month-Joe will be home on leave from the Navy and he will propose to her*double sigh*,Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it!
Not quite sure what I will do without you for the holidays!
Where has this year gone and why did you have to leave us? Nothing will ever be the same now that your gone were our glue...
My confession for today:I miss my mama...
3 hours ago