Middle bean came to me and said...'Mom if you really want to come with me to OKC you can-just don't hang out with me' and when I told him that I probably wouldn't be able to make it, instead of jumpin up and down he tried to help me find a solution.
I am pretty sure he has a girlfriend and he at the ripe ol age of 13 well almost 14 really doesn't want his mom hanging around givin out the stink eye to this lil boy thief...he knows me well...I enjoyed all the comments on this subject yesterday and I REALLY liked Jenni Jiggetys suggestion:
You need to have a t-shirt made that says" I am middle bean's mom" on the front. And then on the back it should say Middle Bean Loves her Mama...
One it is a great idea Two middle bean is a He and that would just so totally mess with him!
I never take what the beans say to me personally because, I too, know them well...
I got a call from lilest beans school nurse yesterday, apparently she had an unidentifiable rash on her neck and had to be picked up immediately...so I get lilest bean and at no point does the nurse come out to meet me
So I spend $15
Speaking of lilest bean MY BABY IS GROWING UP! How do I know this? She has a Friday night social life now, she can talk to 2 people at the same time useing 2 different phones-seriously yesterday while getting all the girl gossip on rashes she had her cell phone up to one ear and the home phone up to the other ear-just wait till she discovers 3-way, she is starting to flat iron her hair,shave her pits,wear deoderant and wash her face...and lastly when a boy calls for her she no longer asks us to tell them she moved...she promised me way back when, that SHE WOULD NEVER GROW UP! I need to remind her of this...
There is something else I am not ready for-oldest bean will be starting drivers ed in June...geesh time really does fly-it seems like just yesterday I brought her home from the hospital and would snuggle her next to my cantelopes covered in cabbage because she wouldn't nurse-I remind her often she wasn't a titty baby and how much pain she caused me because I REFUSED the milk dryer upper shot...now in 7 short months she will be 16 and driving a car...brb I am gonna be sick...
Thursday is ERs grand series finale-my Thursday will never be the same-I have watched this show since the begining, I cried when Dr Green died-like buckets, I am in love with Morris-he cracks me up...if you try to call me Thursday I won't answer...I'm just sayin...
Our mother/daughter/sister trip to Eureka Springs is 10 days away-I am so super excited, 4 girls, 2 beds, 1 bathroom...
I tried really hard to get caught up on blogs yesterday-I think I made it to a lil over 100 before the rash fiasco set in...I will continue today...
I want to give a shout out to Linda at Jollie Primitives where I won a BEAUTIFUL barn star
If you are looking for unique gift ideas I hope you will consider Jollie Primitives not only do they offer beautiful barn stars in a variety of colors and finishes they have amish baskets, handmade wooden games and bird houses. Plus they do a monthly giveaway...hurry go sign up...
Lastly I have gotten many requests/emails asking when the confessional would be open The confessional booth will be up Friday and open all weekend....
My confession for today: I am craving a vanilla dr pepper from sonic
For more Random Tuesday Thoughts visit The Un Mom

Vanilla Dr. Pepper yum! I have to get one every time I'm in Oklahoma (the ones here don't know how to mix it right).
ReplyDeleteSo the non-contagious rash is spreading around her friends? Hmmm... I wonder what they got into, then?
My nine and a half year old won't let me kiss him goodbye at school now. When we are waiting in the car line to drop off in the morning, he kisses me then. Not when it's time for him to get out. He says his friends might see. :(
ReplyDeleteMy eldest will be 17 in May. I totally know what ya mean!
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched ER in years! I can't believe it's still been on, all this time.
ReplyDeleteI'm already mourning my Thursdays when the loss of ER- I can't belive it's going to be gone!
ReplyDeleteYou might want to clear up what you meant by discovering 3 way - you meant a 3 way call, right?
ReplyDelete(Sorry, I just couldn't resist this!)
My daughter's only 8 and she's already embarassed for me to be around her in front of her friends. Well, I can be around as long as I "don't act too much like, y'know, a mother".
ReplyDeleteIt breaks your heart when they grow up so fast.
your blog is like therapy - thanks!
ReplyDeleteI needed this post today!!! THANKS for sharing!!! Here I was stressing out over Kindergarten and you've got way bigger worries! :-)
ReplyDeleteUh, where has Jollie been?
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't show an update in FOREVER...
it is SO hard when the beans start to sprout. My Wen is going to be 25 this year and somehow, it seems like I should still be 25.
Can't you buy a vanilla dr pepper in the bottle? What if you get the crazy rash?
ReplyDeleteHi Georgie! Thanks for stopping by my RTTs! I love when I find blogs where the kids are a wee bit older than my own...I need serious guidance! LOL! I am now a rabid fan!
ReplyDeleteIt is good to be back on-line, I feel like I missed a lot. Sorry about the kids growing up, though my six all seem to be doing the same. Is there a shot I forgot to give them?
ReplyDeleteMy oldest camper is 15 and invited me to the highschool play I was shocked so I said "I can't believe you want me to come". He says "oh you weren't gonna sit with me". Now wtf...he thought I was gonna go to the play and sit alone..what is that? Weiny way found your RTT on The UnMom. Yea
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAw! I'll be in Eureka Springs this Saturday. Wish we were there at the same time!
ReplyDeleteI love the jollieprimitives!
YAY!!! I had to come and peep, and you won a prize too! Congratulations. Have a great time on your get away. The rash? could it be heat rash? kid in warmer clothes because spring is taking so long to appear and mom's are buddling them up for recess or whatever, so they are a bit over heated you know hot around the collar? :)
ReplyDeleteMy BoyBoy is shaving his top lip and has mucho hair both in his pits and "down there." I now am not allowed to be in the room when he is changing, showering, or relieving himself...where did my little boy go?!?!
ReplyDeleteI once got a mysterious rash, right after Christmas. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to my cell phone cover my husband had given me. I think he set me up!
ReplyDeleteWow, what the heck kind of rash is going around out there. Weird that more than 1 person got it.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I think you need to have that shirt made. That is HILARIOUS!
Littlest been is pretty suave doing the 2 phones at once. How old is she again because this is in my very near future. Ugh...
Ok, since I'm in Texas, you should SO send me that star.
ReplyDelete(Texas is the LONE STAR after all)-jk-kindof:)
Glad your feeling better
Love that t-shirt idea-right now my youngest 'bean' 18 yo son loves me so I could get a way with it (give it a day or so when I fall from grace, and that's when the fun would start:)
Sounds like you've got your hands full!
ReplyDeleteI love the star! I can see that you are getting caught up. I have missed you!
ReplyDeleteEureka Springs sounds awesome.
Yeeee~haaa you posted my very most favorite star (bows modestly)thanks for the shout out!
ReplyDeleteOMG Georgie I just had to "learn to drive" (really just the driving test) NOT FUN don't ever ever let your license expire, look at the date once in awhile and RENEW that sucker! I had to pretend paralell park THREE FREEKIN TIMES before they'd give me my license back, yiyiyi (hee hee)Good luck to the new driver & get you a brake & a steering wheel for the passenger side while she learns...or keep your eyes shut tight...my confession is I better sut up already, I'm taking up valuable space here!
I see what you mean about going through the same stuff....it makes me sad. I can't imagine how I will feel when my boys have girlfriends. Urgh!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
They grow up way too fast.
ReplyDeleteI'm not ready for girlfriends, drivers ed and friday night social lives.
Good luck and your girls getaway sounds great.
growing up sucks. my son is about to turn two and my husband is telling me that i'm acting like he's turning 18 and moving in with some tramp whore. i told him that he might as well be, because i can't count his age in months anymore. wait. i'm going to stop here because i smell a blog post brewing. brb. and happy RTT!
ReplyDeleteMy son is only 9 and he already hates the little names I call him "Just call me by my name mom" he's always saying. sigh........ they grow up way too fast!
ReplyDeleteHi! Thanks for coming by! I have no children of my own but I'm with you when you say time flies by. I own a dance studio and teach mostly young kids. Some start as young as 4 and 5 years old. The biggest bucket-o-cold water type of realization that they're growing up is when one day the walk into class with a perfect, hair pulled straight back bun and the next day they walk in with a fashionable part on one side and lip gloss (no make up allowed)
ReplyDeleteI never know what to say to them. I know they're waiting for me to mention something because I notice every little thing they do and don't do. I want to tell them they look beautiful, because it's the truth, but I surely don't want to encourage their growing up!
Vanilla Dr. Pepper, yum! Luckily, I have a Sonic within 15 minutes of me. Your powerful mind control will not work on me...much longer.
ReplyDeleteAwwww, it made me sad reading your sentiments about your babies growing up! I know I'll feel the same way....but in the meantime I just wish my toddlers would get potty-trained and that my preschoolers would be able to give themselves a bath!
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on the ER series finale. I've watched it from the beginning too and I'm gonna be sad to see it ending. I like Morris too...he's wierdly sexy to me...kinda like Seth Rogen, kwim?
Loved your randomness. My oldest is 14 and I'm still in denial about her driving some day. I love the tee shirt idea, I need to have a few of those made for when my boys turn 14, so much more humiliating for a boy to wear...So what was the verdict on the (non)communicable rash?
ReplyDeleteI liked this nice,random post! :)
ReplyDeleteNow go get your drink!
Mmmm, vanilla Dr Pepper!!! Um, could the rash be brought on, because another kid found out they can go home for it, then all the other kids wanted to too? Whew you have your hands full!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by! Loved your RTT's too. Have to agree with the 1st commenter...no one gets mixed drinks from Sonic just right like Oklahoma does. I'm more of a Vanilla Coke gal myself though :) We moved away from "home" almost a year ago...luckily we're only about 30 minutes across the state line, so that makes visiting family easy. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI love your header. This is my first visit to your blog. I have 3 teenagers and most days the are not embarrased by me. I consider myself lucky.
ReplyDeleteMy girls....26 and 24!!! That's an ego buster!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm only 35!!
It's so nice catching up on you and the beans!!
ReplyDeleteLove the t-shirt idea!
ReplyDeleteI am sure littlest bean will truly appreciate your posting that she is now shaving her pits - lol : )
ReplyDeleteSo glad you all are doing well and that you are back to blogging!!
My youngest is 11, going on 23. She always promised me she would never, ever act like her big sisters did. I told her that I would remind her of this when she got closer to her teens.
ReplyDeleteWe're already into the eyerolling and "whatever" attitude. Sigh.
Isn't there a pill we can give them to cause them to stay young forever? Oh, that's right, even the old folks are looking for that same pill!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't get any better than when the kids don't want to be seen with you.
Hope the mystery rash cleared up.
School nurses have a way of ruining perfectly lovely days. Shame on her, all for a little rash!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog, too.
Thanks for stopping by My Junk Drawer! I know about those growing pains - my baby is graduating in 2 months! I'm not sure how that can be since I'm just in my 20s!! (yeah, right! lol!)
ReplyDeleteI had to quit watching ER a couple years into it... I imagined I had everything that anyone in their ER died from.
Can you make a special comment section just for me? I hate being like the 45 person to leave a comment. It hurts my heart. And Penny doesn't like it either.
ReplyDeleteI too will miss ER. I guess nothing lasts forever though does it?
oh those beans! hope lil is rash free soon and middle bean better not come home with one!
ReplyDeleteglad you're back in the land of Blog.
you are going to have such a fun time on your trip!
I too will miss ER...I guess it has run it's course though! At least it has run it's course so many shows are taken off so quickly!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your win ...I love the star!
Wow! So You missed my Randomness by like literally five minuets I was posting as you commented! LOL But I am glad you liked the stories. Mysterious rashes, hmmm At least they aren't contagious, perhaps they are sympathy rashes. I am glad you stopped by!
ReplyDeleteWow! You do have a lot of blogs on your roll! How do you do it?! Thanks for stopping by! I can't believe ER is ending!! So did Neela going to see Ray mean they are together now??
ReplyDeleteVanilla diet cokes with exra ice all the way!!! And Cooper has four hairs under each pit. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
ReplyDeleteAh, the school nurse! And rashes? EEE-yikes! I love all the randomness today!
ReplyDeleteI don't take what my kid says personally either. If I did, I would wind up sobbing in a corner.
ReplyDeleteI am curious about the rash. Since it isn't contagious, how did they all get it? What were they rolling in?
I'm organizing a Georgie Call-A-Thon for Thursday night. You girls let me know which 5 minute time slot you'd like to take. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm a Sonic vanilla coke fan myself, but tonight I went for the chocolate shake. mmmmmmmm!
I meant HIS...I did! I am so blonde...
ReplyDeleteI am going to miss ER, too!
I haven't been following ER for the past year or so, and I still feel like there will be a weird gap on Thursdays now (like when Friends ended).
ReplyDeleteI cried like a broken hearted little girl when Dr. Greene died, but lets keep that our little secret. It's also when I stopped watching.
ReplyDeleteI am not looking forward to Thursday.
Oh lordy, I am not looking forward to those girl/boyfriend age years....oh no.
i agree about the kids growing up!!!!!
ReplyDeletewe were just looking at pictures tonite after dinner.....oh my gosh.....
how did this happen....they are not cute little babes any more!!!!!!
I'm debating watching ER. Stopped watching it a couple of years ago ~ but with everyone coming back, I'm thinking I may have to see it. But I'll be sure not to call you ~ either way. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAwe. I remember my son promising me he would never grow up. My daughter REFUSES to promise. She figures she will keep growing so one day she can be bigger than me, and boss ME around. Ah, the mind of a 3 yr old!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how a non-contagious rash ends up on 4 different kids. Do you think you should be letting her use YOUR phone? You might catch cooties.
ReplyDeleteOr leprosy. It could be leprosy.
Happy RTT!
I love the star, I am going to go take a look!
ReplyDeleteI shave Emily's pits because of the pre-teen funk. You know what I am talking about:)
You had me cracking up.
Kids sure grow up fast! And, go for the t-shirt.
Love the randomness!~ I used to watch ER but gave up on it a few years back. It cracks me up you mentioned Dr. Greene dying. Everytime I hear "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" I start bawling... even in public. Do you remember them playing that song at the end of that show?
ReplyDeleteI hope your kids are now okay regarding the rash but I read that and now I'm all itchy. :o)
ReplyDeleteMan, I'm not ready for my lil'toddler to grow up and ask me NOT to come somewhere.. but right now that sounds like HEAVEN!!! (All relative!) I hope the rash(es) are better, as well! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteThanks for popping by earlier, I appreciate it!!
ER - me TOO!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried the vanilla diet coke. I will have to. I haven't watched ER in years but was thinking about catching this last one because it was the last.
ReplyDeleteOy-my oldest is in the same place developmentally that your youngest is, and it'a KILLIN' me!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gem of blogger you are. I can so relate to all of your random thoughts. My "baby" is now 18. His oldest brother is 33. I have a hard time wrapping my mind that it will be just me and the hubby. The first time in our 25 years of marriage, and 33 years of motherhood. Where did the time go?
ReplyDeleteI love Sonic drinks as well, we have one just down the block (course when you live in a town of 3000, EVERYTHING is just down the block). I start my morning with a Route 44 cup of ice. Every. Morning. 27 cents. Bet they love me. They don't even ask anymore. Now THAT is service:)
I don't know if I can handle the kiddos growing up! Too many new grown-up things all the time!
ReplyDeleteI love your randoms.
Oh, we've done the Newbie Driver Thing before...twice! Scary and exhilarating, both at the same time!
ReplyDeleteI've watched ER since the beginning too. It is, and always will be, my favorite show.
ReplyDeleteI've already threatened my hubby and kids that on Thursday after ER starts I am not to be interrupted under ANY circumstances!!
I'm going to miss ER too. What a shame.
ReplyDeleteI love that barn star and I'm definitely going to check out that site. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm a little late to the game but I hope the rash has cleared up by now. My 2 year old got a mysterious rash last week but it turned out to be allergies.
ReplyDeleteI remember the days of three-way calling when we'd prank each other and have one person mute the phone. Fun times.
I haven't watched ER yet this season, I'm batching them up to watch back to back, I can't wait!