photo courtesy google images
It's the first Friday of the month so that means it's 'I Confess' time
For those of you that are new to the confessional booth(cb) feel free to click here and get caught up on past months confessionals.In short the idea came about when I had nothing to blog about 6 months ago, since I always end my posts with a confession I turned the comment box into a confessional of sorts and my blog over to you my lovely wonderful readers.
photo courtesy google images
Kinda like a 'post secret' if you will. Got something on your mind that you feel you can't say to your boss,neighbor,friend,mom etc...Have a secret crush, are you a music pirate,Do you still drive by your X's house and peer in the windows at his 20 something wife,someone hurt you and you have never forgiven them,pet peeves,skeletons in your closet and dirty laundry are all fair game...Go ahead get it off your chest...VENT my peeps
Just post your confession in the comment section AND feel free to post as "anonymous." You do not need a blog to make a confession... everyone is welcome...
My confession for today: I am beanless and hubbyless tonight, wonder how much trouble I can get into...
Last BUT not least Today is my sweet dear friend Jules 1 yr bloggy-versary-if you don't know Julie you are seriously missing out-she is beautiful inside and out, she is witty, she is 47 and starting over (I always wondered if when she has a birthday if she will change her blog name?) sorry rambling...anyways PLEASE click over and wish her a Happy BlogOversary-she wants to see 100 comments today and I know we can make that happen for her....

I confess I'm glad you are back!
ReplyDeleteI confess that this has been a TOUGH week for me.... :(
ReplyDeleteI have a date tonight and I'm not even looking forward to it, I am just SPENT! I hope that I can muster up enough energy to at least put on a happy face tonight!
I confess that I still haven't done anything productive today other than read and blog and I have to pick the kiddo up soon which means i won't get anything done for sure!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the love, Georgie! And by the way, I just turned 48 on March 22nd, you must have missed that post that said I would just keep the name of my blog and we'd all know I started it when I was 47!!!!! Love ya!
ReplyDeleteOh, my confession for today...I don't think I'll get all 100 comments, like you did on your birthday. You're far more popular than I am!!!!!
I confess: I did something my husband wasn't supportive of and now I wish I'd listened to him. =0 Better luck next time.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I haven't done a lick of homework all week, I skipped last week, class is Monday and I have TWO weeks of work and reading to catch up on... ughhh! I have no discipline!
ReplyDeleteUm...your in trouble again...she just had a birthday a few weeks ago. luckily for you, you can chalk it up to the back problems you were having. confession:
I really despise my sons new MIL. I love his step-MIL, but my new daughter's mom is a bitch. She excluded me from every decision in the wedding I should have had some say in. *SHE* decided what the grooms cake would be. Never said a word to me about it. *SHE* "handled" an issue with his shoes (at the tux place) without even letting me know about it let alone help. He wanted to have different shoes for the reception and a fedora and they wouldn't allow it...but she stepped in. Never called me at all.
*SHE* stepped right in front of me when the coordinator was explaining to me about lighting the unity candle for the kids and then she - while standing right in front of me - said to the coordinator, "well i really wanted to discuss this with you, can we step outside?" leaving me standing there looking as confused as hell.
I have held my tongue for months and my hands all wet. I am trying with all that I have because I don't want to cause any problems between drew and jackie, but if I have to deal with her again anytime soon, I may blow up.
Normally I'd post my information, but since this confession isn't 100% centered around me I'll use Anonymous to protect the person I'm talking about. Although those who know me, might know this is me by situational details. I just don't want my actual name googled and brought up here.
One of my married friends is having an affair with a man who is about to get married in a couple of months.
She slept with him the day before he asked this other woman to marry him, and I think she'll continue to until (if?) he breaks it off with her.
The whole situation angers me. She doesn't want a life with the affair partner. She doesn't want to leave her husband yet she's not happy staying with him. Talking to her is like talking to a brick wall.
I've been on both sides of an affair. I've cheated and I've been cheated on, so she talks to me because she knows I have experience in that area. But she doesn't listen to any of my advice, turns what I say around, and overall just pisses me off.
I wish she would grow up and realize how many people she's hurting.
Every affair is based on selfishness, but hers seems to be something even more twisted. I wish she'd either stop the affair or stop talking to me about it. I can't take it anymore.
My husband is coming home today. He has been on the road for three weeks.
ReplyDeleteI do not wnat him to come home.
I'm making this anonymous b/c I'm almost embarrassed by it.
ReplyDeleteI've had the BEST sex I've had in years in the past 2 weeks. I guess women do hit that stride in their mid 30's. I can't seem to stop thinking about sex. It's totally scary.
My secret crush finally moved. Thought I would be happy with him being gone. But my days are boring without the excitement of maybe running into him when picking up the kids or at the grocery store. And I hate his wife for being the reason for the move. Probably need to figure out why I need a good flirt to make me happy these days.
ReplyDeletei confess that i miss my girl like hell!
ReplyDeleteHave you wished Julie a Happy Blogoversary today?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you waiting for?
I am scared if I post anonymously you can still tell who I am.
ReplyDeleteawww anon I am not tracking the confessional posts...You only post if you feel comfortable...but I can tell you I dont sit here trying to figure who posted what...more than not I wish i could wrap my arms around the commenter and say you are not alone...
ReplyDeleteI am having problems with my marriage...and will be starting counseling...I don't know if I want permission to end it...or if I really want the problems fixed...WE've been married 16.5 years, and I've gotten pretty used to my circumstances...ugh...
ReplyDeleteI confess that I'm worried I'll be arrested in Eureka Springs tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteLOVE your confessional! I have to admit (confess) I am a new reader...but I love it so far! Have a great weekend!!
ReplyDeleteYou already know this but for all your other readers that might get a kick out my confession:
ReplyDeleteI lied to my two small children yesterday about alligators in a drainage ditch.
I confess that I don't feel like blogging anytime soon! Ugh
ReplyDeleteOk here goes..........
ReplyDeleteI hate my husband, I won't leave because I don't want to have to go back to work and put my son in day care. I think about suicide a lot, more than any thing I just am so tired of being in pain. I am emotionally drained everyday and fear that I will die of stress one day. I still talk to my high school sweetheart, but have no feelings for him, but I keep it from my husband.
I don't trust my husband, he hasn't touched me in over a year...I don't remember what it's like to have sex. I don't remember what it's like to be held or kissed or hugged..the only affection I get is from my son..he's 2 and it's usually just a hug and an I love you momma, but at least it's something.....
I'm so sad and wish I could change my husband, I wish I could change me....
I confess I am new here and I won't get any work done today because once I find a new blog I like (yours) I spend all day going over all the previous posts - Don't tell my boss :o)
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you back on a regular basis! Hope you are all healthy again. Have fun on the trip and I say embarrass the little stinker, he'll only be this age once and you may only get this trip opportunity once and while these kids give out all these rules they secretly love having a parent along for the ride.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I love my new license plate number 666BOI.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I missed Georgie more than I prolly should have when she was gone!
ReplyDeleteForgive me Georgie for I have not sinned, but have indeed danced the happy dance about NOT going to Tulsa to the gun show. I know it is selfish of me for being so happy about it but I HATE THE GUN SHOW!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt makes my hubs so happy.
I'll go now and raise 3 shots of tequila in repentance.
And seriously, the one that feels suicidal, reach out to someone for help. You are not alone.
Today I am anonymous.
ReplyDeleteMy confession: I'm happily married but fantasize about making love to my male best friend...
Anon @ 11:52
ReplyDeletePlease talk to someone. Suicide is not the answer and it never will be. If you can't see that try to think about the little one you'll be leaving behind.
If you want to talk - anonymously, I swear - feel free to send me an email.
Just dont make any rash decisions. Please.
Nadine! Throw that tequila this way when your done with your shots. MY TURN!!
ReplyDeleteEek. It's all deep in here. I hope that anonymous commenter gets help. Reach out to someone...anyone...please.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I'm going to a jewelry party tonight and will spend money while my husband is out of town and he has no idea. Mwah ha ha!!!
My confession: I haven't had a shower since Tuesday. That's right.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, Please talk to someone, anyone. You can feel better and get better, but you can't do it on your own. And just know that you have people who care about you.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I really, REALLY don't want to spend all weekend grading. Yeech. Weekends are supposed to be fun.
ReplyDeleteI also confess that I'm feeling really frustrated because I'm so bloomin' busy and I don't have any time to relax. Whenever I do, I fall asleep. I want a pedicure!!!
I confess that I feel like whining today. (Got any cheese to go with it??)
Am I allowed two confessions? I missed Georgie while she was ailing and am really glad she is back.
ReplyDeleteI am scared about how addicted I am becoming with the bloggy world and how I am not wishing to share it with my family and friends. It feels wrong but I just don't feel like it.
ReplyDeleteI think I know deep inside that after 3 weeks, if a man hasn't made an attempt to kiss you, he's just not that into you. Yet instead of accepting 1st dates of other guys, I keep hoping the friend will suddenly turn into a boyfriend. Why do I torture myself like this?
ReplyDeleteI wish the hubby's business trip was longer than a week.
ReplyDeletea confession? goodness, i am not sure. i'm pretty upfront right away.... hum, i am secretly drinking more wine tonight then my husband knows. he see's one glass, i chugged one before i came back in the room. there. does that count? now i feel all exposed! Oh well, what the heck, i'll pour another glass :) *hickup*
ReplyDeleteHappy VGNO!
ANONYMOUS WHO HATES HER HUSBAND; I was there. I did that. Night after night, I hoped that death would be soon. It wasn't coming soon enough so I made arrangements to take care of it myself.
ReplyDeleteDue to circumstances beyond my control, I lived.
Then I kicked my husband to the curb.
Now, I hope for a long, long life instead.
I bury my maiden name in the keywords on my blog in hopes that my ex husband finds it and realizes how wonderful my life is without him. When I left he told me my life would be $#%&*% and I would regret leaving him. It has been just the opposite. Never stay in a relationship if you're not in love or happy. Life is meant to be enjoyed, live it and love it!
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmm...don't wanna say I'm "perfect," or anything, but I have absolutely nothing to confess! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
ReplyDeleteI love your sense of humor. Great blog title too. Happy VGNO!
ReplyDeleteThis probably should be my dad's confession - when I was pregnant the first time I craved chocolate. Not just any chocolate, Fannie Mae chocolate. We have no Fannie Mae stores here so I begged my mom to send me some. She refused. "It's not good for the baby!" she said. My dear sweet dad kept me supplied in Fannie Mae chocolate that whole pregnancy. (Needless to say, that child of mine is now a chocoholic!)
ReplyDeleteI confess that I pretended to be asleep last night when Munchkin called out. DH finally got up and went and fixed his covers. I don't feel all that bad. I mean, I DID nurse that child and got up two and three times a night for gawd knows how many months.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if I should quit blogging. Is that awful? I feel like my blogging goes unappreciated if I don't comment on every one else's blogs and sometimes I just don't have the time to do so. I'd be sad to let go of my blog - but I'm so sad that I don't feel like my writing and stories are appreciated or even liked.
ReplyDeleteStopping by from Ann's...nice to 'meet' you!
ReplyDeleteHappy VGNO!
I have a confession....I had my 4 bone impacted wisdom teeth out 3 weeks ago, used up all my Hydrocodone within 3 days and secretly refilled my hubby's prescription (he has a couple refills left from his surgery a couple months back). I took the pills ALL the time, especially at work! I only have one pill left.
ReplyDeleteHappy VGNO!!!
I have a confession. I'm VGNOing and here I am at your blog. Very nice look forward to visiting again and again.
ReplyDeleteI confess that...I can't think of anything at the moment. Either I have to many things to hide or I'm completely transparent. Guess which one? ;)
ReplyDeleteStopping by on the VGNO tour!
Take care,
I confess that...I can't confess because everything I come up with is either too trivial or too personal. I can't find a happy medium safe confession to share. So trivial: I ate an oatmeal cookie at the bar tonight. Shh. Don't tell my hips!
ReplyDeleteHappy VGNO!
Great blog, nice to meet you! Have a great VGNO!!
I confess my life is going to hell in a hand basket and you know what? I don't even care.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I am a little bit PEEVED at my hubby right now....grrr =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by for VGNO, I hope you had a great night!
Hey there, catching up with everyone from last night.
ReplyDeleteThink DH might be cheating, but can't prove it.
I went to the computer that my husband and son use to monitor what my son's been doing on the computer lately (I have a stealth monitoring program that he knows about but I don't look at it often.) I was very happy to see that my son is the good kid that I thought he was.
ReplyDeleteUm...the husband..not so much. Saw that he is viewing porn on a regular basis (don't worry; he has it set so that it does not appear in the URL History, so son is oblivious.) Guess he forgot that we have monitoring software. My confession is that the porn turned me on, too. I'm not going to tell him I found it.
Hey girls I’m starting a recipe swap Monday! I just put up all the information on my blog, so if you are interested please come by and leave me a comment. I started this last year and had a blast – so I decided to start it back up. Hope you join in on some fun !!!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I love the confessional. I don't have much to confess...except that I have had an entire bottle of wine and enjoyed a little somethin' with my husband and am now thoroughly satisfied and catching up on my blog reading! :)
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, what to confess, what to confess??? Okay, how about that I threw a humongous Easter Party today for my kids and their friends....easter egg hunt, easter egg dying, the whole enchilada. I didn't eat anything all day. So now I'm sitting at my computer, reading my favorite blogs and eating a huge piece of cake....and it's 10:45 at night.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I'm still having a hard time that my bff has a newborn. :(
ReplyDeleteMy confession will make you all think I'm horrible (I'm really not).
ReplyDeleteI confess that I get a little angry (maybe envious would be a better word) every time someone from the Cancer Center gets a clean bill of health. Not that I'm not happy for them, I just want so badly for MY husband to walk out of there with his head up, knowing he won't have to come back.
There, I said it. And I'm working on it. And I really don't feel any better now. In fact, I feel lousy~
I am in a long distance romance for 6 yrs now. I think I just "settled". He is wonderful, treats me like a queen and has never hurt me. However, I never was, and still am not, physically attracted to him. He can be my best friend and I love him for that, but when we would make love, which hasn't happened for like 2 yrs now due to ED (The "V" pill doesn't help)I would pretend to enjoy it. When in fact I couldn't wait for it to be over.
ReplyDeleteI don't want him to touch me, just spend time with me and be my friend and be there for me.
I am still in love with my 1st boyfriend from when I was 16 yrs old. We met up 20 yrs ago and had plans to marry, he left to finish up in the Army and stayed out of state, eventually married someone else. He fell in love with someone else and I still love him. It will be 20 yrs this Sept since I last saw him and I still want him.