*edited to say* This is my first NMM...and MckMama doesn't have her post up yet and being an over-achiever I hit publish instead of save, so I will properly link when her link is up.
I did not knock a roll of toilet paper into the guys toilet and walk away-nope not me, then when Eric yelled 'who dropped a new roll of TP into the toilet AND LEFT IT THERE' I so did not blame it on Reese because that would just be shameless of me. I mean... in the girls bathroom the TP is always on the roller and that would never happen in there.
I did not have to use the guys Irish Spring soap because Jessica used my last bar of carress 'secretly' trying to melt it down and make pumpkin soap molds with an ice cube tray. I did not sing in the shower like the guy from the Irish Spring commercial did either.
I did not hear Eric say he was going to take the last 2 slices of pizza to work for his dinner, so I totally did not eat them before he woke up for my lunch. Then when he went to get his dinner and there was no pizza, I did not say I accidentally dropped them and the dog got them before I could pick them up. I would NEVER blame anything on our sweet lil doggers or lie to my husband.
I did not tell Abby she could miss her cheer game tonight because her bestie got them Miley Cyrus tix, nope not me, because $1500 later, I swore to her shewouldattendeveryfreakingcheerthingnomatterwhat! I would NEVER allow her to miss a game so she could go see Miley nope not me.
I also did not let Abby get her belly button pierced because her dad said NO, ummm no I did not take her and I did not wear a disguise of a big floppy hat and Jackie-O shades and say 'IF YOU TELL ANYONE I WILL SAY YOU DID IT WHILE YOU WERE AT YOUR FRIENDS HOUSE AND I DID NOT KNOW' I so did not threaten to throw her under the bus. That was the mom down the street not me.
When I was sick last week and did not make it to the bathroom in time I did not let my doggy clean up my mess, because that's just gross. I did not try yelling(betweens Blahs) no no no bad dog -don't judge, you try being faster than a weenee doggers that thinks everything is food when your sick sick sick.
Every time I pick Reese up from school he makes me wait for like 20mins while he socializes, so I did not turn the radio up full blast to that Justin Beiber song 'One Time'(he's on the Today Show this morning) and chair dance like a grasshopper in Erics truck, because I would never purposely try and embarress my children, nope not me.
I did not watch X-Men Origins and pause,rewind and slo-mo the Hugh Jackman aka Logan aka Wolverine NUDE scene. I also did not have a dream about Hugh Jackman aka Logan aka Wolverine that same night.
I did not get teary eyed when I watched To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar with Patrick Swayze- my personal favorite movie of his...
My confession for today: 2 days of school then it's fall break-therearenowords!
P.S. Only 3 more days until the SSS sign-ups are closed-have you received your Q&A from us?

Woman, you have been oh so naughty! But, sounds like you had a good week - except for the getting sick part. And I'm with you on Wolverine. Yum.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I can trust you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that you did "Not" do all of those things... to think! --The horror!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank goodness you did not do those things. No SSS organizer would!
ReplyDeleteBut that "not me" who lives at your house (yeah the one lurking in the shadows) has a twin at mine!
Wow, you are a cool mom!
ReplyDelete"I did not let my doggy clean up my mess"
ReplyDeleteewwwww grosssssssssssssss
Love your Not Mes!
ReplyDeleteThe dog never gets blamed for things around here either - never!
I'm LMAO @ the toilet paper in the toilet!! It's so NOT YOU to blame Resse cup for that. Nope, not you.
ReplyDeleteDogs come in handy in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome post! You had me laughing the whole way through! Chair dancing like a grasshopper gave me such an awesome visual - you rock!
ReplyDeleteEwwww Gross on the dog!
ReplyDeleteThat gave me have the Heebie Jeebies!
Poor Reese, gets blamed for the TP roll and then embarrassed at school. Yup I would have done the same thing!
I love To Wong Foo!!!!! And who hasn't watched Hugh JackMan nekked over and over and over... aaahhhhhh.....
ReplyDeleteOK. I'm sick to my tummy now. Thanks. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd did you say Hugh Jackman? You're off the hook.
But shame on you, Girl. Take Three Bloody Marys and..... Wait. I don't think that's right.
LOL! That's great - I'm so glad you did NOT do all of those things, because that would be REALLY bad of you....if you would have!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI sooooo don't know what to say.
Oh, eating the leftover pizza before I get a chance at it is a mortal sin in my house!!! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! Love the embarrassing your kid part the best.
ReplyDeleteum, if you had done that I mean.
I love the toilet paper in the toilet, too funny! And I forgot all about the Irish Springs commercial lmbo!
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ReplyDeleteMy goodness, you did not do a lot of naughty things.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you left the TP in there instead of fishing it out! You're a little stinker!
ReplyDeleteOoooh you have been naughty but I just love your type of naughty! Totally my type of girl!!
ReplyDeleteI like the smell and feel of Irish Spring.
Great post....still laughing....Just out blog hopping on tonight...really should be working... Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog and leave your favorite Christmas song...and enter a great giveaway. Also, a birthday letter to my daughter on my main blog...http://teresa-grammygirlfriend.blogspot.com/